Within Teamwork Spaces, you can use
the Draw.io widget to add custom diagrams to
your pages.
the page you want to add the page list
and select Edit in
top right corner.

viewing the page in edit mode, select
the + to
right of the WYSIWYG editor bar and
choose Draw.io from
the dropdown

A Draw.io panel will be added to
your page contents. Click Create
Diagram to open the diagram

Using the editor, you can add a
variety of shapes, arrows, flowcharts, and
other items. Once you have completed your
diagram, click Save to return
to your page.

The diagram will be visible within
the Draw.io panel in your page contents. You
can use the field at the bottom to add a
caption for your diagram.
Click Publish to
save the diagram to your page.

For users viewing the space, they
will be able to see the diagram and title
within the page contents.

For more information, see: Using the WYSIWYG