Within Teamwork Spaces, you can add
a checklist to the contents of a page.
Open the relevant page in your space
and select Edit in
the top right.

When viewing the page in edit mode,
select the + to the
right of the WYSIWYG editor bar and
choose Checklist from the
dropdown menu.

A single list item will be added to
your page where you can start typing the
associated text. Press Enter on your keyboard
to create a new item.

You can reorder the items in your checklist by clicking the icon to the left of the checkbox and dragging the item to its new position.

Using the checkboxes to the left of each list item, you can mark the items complete.

When viewing the page, you will be able to see which items are completed or open. They can only be updated in the editor.

For more information, see: Adding a Table of
Contents to a Page