⏳ This feature is in early release for some Teamwork.com accounts.
✔️ Available (with limits) on Deliver, Grow, and Scale subscriptions. 1
See the "Workflows feature access" section in Workflows Introduction for more information.

View and manage tasks through your site's custom cross-project workflows.
  • Get a birds eye view of task statuses across a range of projects.
  • Easily manage tasks through the relevant stages as they progress.
  • Reduce manual and repetitive work.
  • Site admins (in the owner company) can view all workflows and manage tasks from all projects through workflow stages.
  • Site admins (in external companies / clients) can view all workflows. They can view manage tasks from projects they're a member of through the stages.
  • Project admins can view all workflows. They can view and manage tasks from projects they're an admin on through workflow stages.
  • Standard users and client users can view all workflows. They only see tasks from projects they're a member of.
  • Standard users with the profile permission to:
    • Manage workflows (allows users to manage all workflows (names, stage names, active stages, automations).
      📝 You can only apply a workflow to projects you're a project admin on and also have the profile permission to manage workflows.
Anytime you need to check on the status of client work or update progress for tasks across a range of projects.
View and manage tasks through your site's custom cross-project workflows.
  • Get a birds eye view of task statuses across a range of projects.
  • Better plan
  • Reduce manual and repetitive work.
  • Site admins (in the owner company) can view all workflows and manage tasks from all projects through workflow stages.
  • Site admins (in external companies / clients) can view all workflows. They can view manage tasks from projects they're a member of through the stages.
  • Project admins can view all workflows. They can view and manage tasks from projects they're an admin on through workflow stages.
  • Standard users and client users can view all workflows. They only see tasks from projects they're a member of.
  • Standard users with the profile permission to:
    • Manage workflows (allows users to manage all workflows (names, stage names, active stages, automations).
      📝 You can only apply a workflow to projects you're a project admin on (and have the profile permission to manage workflows).
Anytime you need to check on the status of client work or update progress for tasks across a range of projects.

Before you start

  • Each workflow can be associated with up to 30 projects.
  • Each project can be linked with one workflow.

Access workflows

  1. Select Everything in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu. It might be nested under the ... More option.
  2. Switch to the Board tab.
  3. Click the workflow name in the view's top left.

    Image Placeholder

  4. Select a workflow from the dropdown to view it.

The workflow's existing stages are shown along with any tasks currently populated in each stage. These tasks come from all projects associated with the workflow.

💡 Tasks Backlog
The Backlog stage is pinned on the workflow's left and is populated with the associated projects' active tasks currently not assigned to a stage.

Image Placeholder

Manage tasks

🔑 You can only move tasks associated with projects you have permission to edit tasks on.
🔑 You can only create tasks in a workflow stage if that workflow is applied to a project you have permission to add tasks to.

Move tasks between stages

Click and hold a task card (in a custom stage or in the backlog), then drag and drop it to another stage in the workflow. This updates the task's associated stage in both the workflow and in the associated project's Board.
💡 Want to unlink a task from a stage completely? Drag the task to the Backlog.

Update task details

  • Hover over a task and use the property icons to set or update details (assignee, tags, dates, priority, estimated time, start timer, log time).
  • Click a task to open the task details panel where you can update the full range of task properties and view or add comments.

Create tasks

  1. Scroll to the bottom of a stage.
  2. Click Add a task.
  3. Enter a task name.
  4. Review the selected project and task list. These default to the project and task list a task was last added to.
    1. Click the project or task list to select a different one. You can only choose from projects associated with the workflow.
  5. Click the property icon to set any additional relevant details (assignee, dates, tags, estimated time, progress).
  6. Press EnterReturn on your keyboard or click your mouse away from the task to save it.

Search, sort and filter workflow tasks


Use the search field to refine the tasks shown in the workflow's stages, aka only tasks with names matching the search term.


  1. Click Sort by in the view's top right.
  2. Choose a sort preference from the dropdown:
    1. None (default) — tasks can be manually reordered using drag and drop. New tasks are added to the bottom by default.
    2. Automatic sort options: task name, due date, assignee, priority, date created, task list.


  1. Click Filter in the view's top right.
  2. Select the property field (ex. assignee, dates) you want to filter by. Click More options to view and apply additional filters.
  3. Choose the corresponding filter criteria (ex. late tasks).
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each additional condition you want to set.
  5. Check the Hide separate subtasks box to hide subtasks from the workflow. Subtasks are treated as independent tasks that can exist and move between stages independent of their parent tasks.

The workflow updates automatically as you apply filters, showing only tasks matching all selected criteria.
  • Save: Click Save filter to save the currently applied criteria for quick future application.
  • Clear: Click Clear all in the filter menu to remove any active filters. Alternatively, click the on the Filter button.


Automations can be set on individual stages to automatically update tasks when they are moved to that stage.

  • Have tasks automatically complete when moved to a "Done" column.
  • Set high priority on tasks created via form submissions.
  • Send notifications when key task details change.

Click the automation icon (Image Placeholder) at the top of a stage to open the automations builder.
📖 Learn more about creating automations.

Stage options

  1. Click the ellipsis (three dots) at the top of the stage.
  2. Choose an option:
    1. Edit workflow: Access the workflows management view to update the workflow's name, stage names, included stages, and associated projects. This option is permissions dependent.
    2. Collapse stage: Minimize the stage so that only its name is visible (vertically) and its tasks are hidden.

1. Also available on legacy subscriptions: Pro, Premium, Enterprise.