Within Teamwork.com, you can integrate your site with Teamwork Desk to allow you and your team to handle customer queries.
Select your profile icon in the bottom left of your site and click Apps and Integrations from the menu.
Note: Only owner company site administrators can manage integrations.
![Image Placeholder](/desk/file/12494100/image.png)
In the Integrations area, scroll to the Teamwork Desk section and click the Enable button.
![Image Placeholder](/desk/file/11068549/Screenshot 2021-03-05 at 15.32.14.png)
![Image Placeholder](/desk/file/11672359/Screenshot 2021-09-14 at 11.08.40.png)
It is also possible to enable Teamwork Desk through your product switcher.
The user who connects the integration will be automatically added to the Teamwork Desk account as an administrator and will be able to invite other relevant users.
When adding new agents, you will also be able to select existing members of your Teamwork.com site to be added to Teamwork Desk.
For more information, see: Adding Agents to Your Teamwork Desk Site