Within Teamwork.com, you can perform various
actions in managing the tags you have added to
your site.
Click your profile image in the bottom left
corner of your site and select Settings from the pop-out menu.
Note: Only the site owner or site
admins in the owner company have access to
![Image Placeholder](/desk/file/12503785/image.png)
In the settings area, go to the Tags subsection where you will see
all existing tags on your site.
![Image Placeholder](/desk/file/11095366/Screenshot 2021-03-15 at 13.34.57.png)
The tags will be displayed in two
- All Projects
- All existing tags on the site whether
or not they are applied to any
- The number beside the tag name shows
the total number of items where the
tag is being used.
- Project Specific
- Any tags created for individual projects, grouped by their associated project.✔ Available on Grow and Scale subscriptions 1
You can search and sort existing tags to the
top left of the tags area.
![Image Placeholder](/desk/file/11575469/Screenshot 2021-08-16 at 13.44.04.png)
If you click a tag to highlight it,
additional tag options will appear beside the
search box.
![Image Placeholder](/desk/file/10643252/Screenshot 2020-10-05 at 16.16.45.png)
- Search: If you select the
first search icon, a list of project items
that this tag has been applied to will
appear in a new browser tab.
- Edit tag: Selecting the
second icon allows you to edit the tag
name and associated color. Any changes
will be applied to all tags applied.
- Delete: Selecting the third
icon gives you the option to delete the
- When you delete a tag, the tag will
also be removed from any project items
currently using it.
- Clear selection: Clear any
tags that are currently selected.
If you click to highlight multiple
tags, the edit pencil will change to an option
to merge.
![Image Placeholder](/desk/file/10643255/Screenshot 2020-10-05 at 16.18.04.png)
- Merge: Selecting the merge
icon gives you an option to combine all
selected tags into one. You will have the
option to name this new tag before
merging. Once merged, the overall count of
the individual tags will appear on the
newly created one.
- Project items using the old merged
tags will now be tagged with the new
1. Also
available on legacy
subscriptions: Premium,