Within Teamwork.com, you can copy, move, and export links on your projects.
To manage links on a project, open the project and go to the Links tab.

To export the project's links, click the options button (three dots) in the top right and select Export Links from the dropdown.

You will then be presented with options on which links you would like to export. The options are based on categories you have created:
- All links in this project
- Links without a category
- Select an individual category

Once you choose an option above and select Export Links, an .xls file will be automatically generated.
Copying or moving
To copy or move project links, click the options button and select Move or Copy Links from the dropdown.

You will then be asked to select whether you wish to copy or move links and choose which project you wish to copy them to from the drop down options.

Once you choose Copy Links or Move Links, you will be brought to the links section of the project you chose to copy or move to.
Note: When copying a link, any associated comments will not be copied.
For more information, see: Links