Within Teamwork.com, you can archive projects you are no longer working on.
Note: Archived projects do not count towards your active projects limit for your subscription, but will still count in your storage usage.
While viewing an individual project, click the three dots to the right of the project name and select the Archive option within the Manage Project section.

You can also archive directly from the All Projects list view. Click the Projects option in the main navigation menu on the left of your site and select See All Projects at the bottom of the Projects side out menu.

In List view, hover over the relevant project and click the three dots to the right of the project row. Select Archive from the project options dropdown menu.

If you have the List area set to grid view, hover over the relevant project card and click the three dots to access the Archive option.

Projects that have been archived will be read-only. This means you cannot make changes or edit any of the project's items without first reactivating the project. However, you can copy an archived project.
- Any items in archived projects will no longer show up in the lists or reports from the Everything area.
You can find a list of all your archived projects in the Archived project status section of the All Projects view.

Activating an archived project
Hover over the relevant project in the Archived list and click the three dots that appear to the right of the project row. Choose Set Active from the Manage Project menu.

You can also set a project active when viewing the project by clicking Set Project Active in the banner that is displayed at the top of the project.

For more information, see: Archiving Messages