✔  Available on Grow and Scale subscriptions 1

Within Teamwork.com, you track the overall cost, billable total, and profit for individual projects.

Note: Only owner company site administrators can view project profitability via the Budgets area.

Project profitability is calculated as follows:
Profitability = billable revenue generated  -  (billable time costs  +  non-billable time)

Go to the Finance tab of a project and select the Budgets subsection.

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Project profitability will be displayed to the right of the Budgets area and will detail:

  • Project name
  • Total cost - the sum of all users' cost rates multiplied by the total amount of time they have logged on the project in the current date range.
  • Billable total - the sum of all users' billable rates multiplied by the total amount of billable time they have logged on the project in the current date range.
  • Profit - the billable total minus the total cost gives project profitability for the current date range.

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You can amend the date range shown by using the date range picker in the upper right corner of the project profitability section. 

The date range can be filtered by week, month, quarter or custom date range. The custom date range will display a calendar date picker for you to select your own date range. 

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You can also use the toggle beside the date picker to view the project profitably based on percentage or currency value. 

Accounts on Scale subscriptions will have an additional option to View profitability report which will bring you directly to the site-level profitability report

Note: This report is available to owner company site administrators only.

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1. Also available on legacy subscriptions: Premium, Enterprise.