✔️ Available on Grow and Scale subscriptions. 1
See the "Budgets feature access" section below for more information.

A project's overall performance based on cost, billable total, and profit.
  • Monitor accumulating costs and hours worked throughout a project.
  • Track profit margin.
  • Stay on top of current spend so you can make adjustments to end a project on budget.
  • Site admins (in the owner company) can view any project's profitability.
  • Site admins (in external clients/companies) can view profitability on projects they're a member of.
  • Project admins can view project profitability on projects they're an admin on.
  • Standard users and client users with the project permissions:
    • View project budget profitability (allows users to view the project's budget profitability). 
      🔑 Users must also have permission to view and manage project budget in order to view profitability. Granting all three permissions also allows the user to create fixed fee budgets.
For client projects where you need to monitor the project's usage, costs, and profit margin. 
A project's overall performance based on cost, billable total, and profit.
  • Monitor accumulating costs and hours worked throughout a project.
  • Track profit margin.
  • Stay on top of current spend so you can make adjustments to end a project on budget.
  • Site admins (in the owner company) can view any project's profitability.
  • Site admins (in external clients/companies) can view profitability on projects they're a member of.
  • Project admins can view project profitability on projects they're an admin on.
  • Standard users and client users with the project permissions:
    • View project budget profitability (allows users to view the project's budget profitability). 
      🔑 Users must also have permission to view and manage project budget in order to view profitability. Granting all three permissions also allows the user to create fixed fee budgets.
For client projects where you need to monitor the project's usage, costs, and profit margin. 

Before you start

Enabling the view project budget profitability permission may (in some cases) allow the user to calculate other users' cost rates. Ex. If only one user has logged eight hours and the budget's reported cost is $800, it can be concluded that said user's cost rate is $100 / hour. Only enable if you understand and accept this.

View project profitability

  1. Click Jump to in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu.
  2. Search for and select a project.
  3. Switch to the project's Finance section.
  4. Select the Billing tab.

    Image Placeholder
  5. Go to the Profitability panel.

    Image Placeholder

Profitability metrics

The project profitability panel breaks down the project's profit, costs, and profit margin (%). Below each metric, the target value set out in the budget is denoted for comparison versus the achieved figures.

total budget – costs to date
Total costs
total expenses + total staff costs
Staff costs = user cost rates * total number of hours logged on the project
Profit margin
((total budget – costs to date) / total budget) * 100
total budget – costs to date
Total costs
total expenses + total staff costs
Staff costs = user cost rates * total number of hours logged on the project
Profit margin
((total budget – costs to date) / total budget) * 100


  • Profitability report: Status check profitability across different projects using the profitability reportThis is accessible to owner company site administrators on Scale subscriptions.

1. Also available on legacy subscriptions: Premium, Enterprise.