Within the Teamwork.com Android app, you can quickly add new project items from anywhere in the app.

Press the blue + button in the bottom right hand corner. 

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The quick add menu will update depending on the area of the app you are visiting. For example, while viewing the calendar are of the app the quick add menu will automatically allow you to add events. 

The quick add menu will allow you to add a: 

  • Project
  • Events
  • Message
  • Start timer
  • Time
  • Task

Add a project

The project option in the quick add menu allows you to quickly add a new project to your site, giving it a title and optional description.

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Add an event

Events can be added from both the home area and the calendar tab. To add an event, enter an event name, date and time frame.

You can also add the location and set the event privacy. Further options include attendees, notify and reminders.

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Send a message

When creating a message via the quick add menu, you can select which project to create your message in by tapping the arrow to the right of the current project name.

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You will need to add a message title and content before saving the message. Further options include notifying users, setting privacy, and adding tags.

Start a timer

Click the icon above the main menu bar and select Start timer.

  • A timer starts at the bottom of the screen and is automatically linked to your most recently viewed project.
    📝 If your most recently accessed project does not have the Time feature enabled, an error will be shown. Select the folder icon in the main menu to choose a different project, before using Start timer again.
  • You can create multiple timers, however only one can be running at a time.
  • Use the pause and stop icons to mange each timer.
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Tap the timer to open the timer details view where you can update the timer's details before clicking Save:
  • Change the associated project.
  • Link a task.
  • Mark as billable.
  • Set a description.

You can also delete the timer from this view.

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Log time

You can choose to log time to a project and task. The log time options allow you to choose a start and end time, add a description, and also choose billable or non billable time via a toggle. 

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Add a task

When adding a task, you can select a project and task list by tapping the currently selected project or task list name to view the available projects and corresponding task lists.

You can add a task name and description, as well as assign the task to someone, notify users, add tags, and attach files.

Tap the options menu (three dots) below the task to expand the task options. These include start and end dates, priority, board column, privacy, followers, and estimated time.

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For more information, see: Navigating the Teamwork.com Android App