Within Teamwork.com, you can integrate your account with Azure Active Directory and set up single sign-on (SSO).
Note: Teamwork.com’s SSO offering is part of the paid Advanced Security add-on which you can purchase in addition to your Teamwork.com subscription.
Using the integration with Microsoft
Azure Active Directory (AD), you can:
- Control who has access to Teamwork.com via
Azure AD.
- Enable your users to be automatically
signed-in to Teamwork.com (single sign-on)
with their Azure AD accounts.
- Manage your accounts in one central
location - the Azure portal.
To configure this integration, you will
Adding Teamwork.com to
Go to your Azure account, open the
MS Azure
Management Portal
and select Azure Active
Directory from the left
navigation menu.

In the AD section, select the Enterprise applications tab from the left pane.

Under Enterprise applications, go
to All applications and click
the New application button at the top of the page.

Scroll to the Add from the gallery section. Use the search box to find Teamwork, then select it from the

A quick view will open on the right of
the screen with a summary about Teamwork.com.
the blue Add button
at the bottom of the pane.

Configuring Azure AD
single sign-on
In the Teamwork.com application integrations
page, select Single
sign-on from the left
navigation menu and
choose SAML as the

In the SAML setup view,
click the edit pencil to the right of
the Basic SAML
Configuration section
(step 1).

Under Basic SAML Configuration, you
will need to enter:
- Identifier (Entity ID) - choose either the
US or EU
identifier URL based on where your
Teamwork.com site is
- US: https://{your teamwork site address}/
- EU: https://{your eu teamwork site address}/
- Reply URL ( Assertion Consumer Service URL ) - choose either the US
or EU reply URL based on
where your Teamwork.com site
is hosted:
- US: https://{your teamwork site address}/singlesignon/v1/saml/acs
- EU: https://{your eu teamwork site address}/singlesignon/v1/saml/acs
- Sign on URL - choose
either the US or EU sign-on
URL based on where your Teamwork.com site is
- US: https://{your teamwork site address}
- EU: https://{your teamwork site address}
Once you have entered the
relevant details,
click Save at the top of
the page.
In the SAML setup view, go to SAML Signing Certificate (step 3) and click
the Download option for
Federation Metadata
XML from the
given options as per your

Under Set up Teamwork.com Projects
(step 4), copy
the appropriate URL(s) as per

Configuring Teamwork.com single
Once your
metadata XML file is created,
contact security@teamwork.com with
the metadata file as an
attachment, along with the
relevant copied URL(s) from
the Azure portal, to request
that your account is updated
to enable
For more information, see: Microsoft - Azure Active
Directory with