Within Teamwork Desk, you can use the filters pane to refine your search results when searching for items.

In each section within the search results area, you will have different filtering options available.
Click the filters button in the top right of the search results area to open the filters pane on the right-hand side.

- Created date - choose a custom date range based on the creation date of the tickets. any tickets created on any date within the selected range will be returned in the search results.

- Inboxes - show only tickets from specific inboxes.
- Agents - show results for specific assignees.
- Company - only include results for tickets associated with specific companies.
- Tags - filter to tickets with certain tags applied.
- Choose to match all or any of the selected tags.
- Show only untagged tickets.

- Statuses - filter based on default or custom ticket status (active, waiting on customer, on hold).
- Priorities - filter to specific priorities (low, medium, or high).
- Types - filter based on default or custom ticket types (request, problem, question).
- Sources - filter based on default or custom ticket sources (phone, email, live chat).
- Merged tickets - choose whether to include merged tickets in the results.
- Attachments - only show tickets with file attachments.
- More options - only show results based on Teamwork tasks attached to tickets.
- Active tasks
- Completed tasks

- Custom fields - show ticket results based on one or multiple custom fields.
- Note: This filter option is currently in Beta and will only be shown if you have at least one custom field already created on your site. Custom fields are available on Premium subscriptions and above.
- Click the custom fields search box to select an existing custom field. By default, only currently active custom fields will be listed. You can use the checkbox below the search field to include disabled fields in the dropdown.
- Once you select a custom field, it will be added as a separate filter option in the filters pane where you can select a corresponding value to use in the filter.

- Joined - show results based on the creation date of the customer.
- Companies - show only customers associated with specific companies.
- Created - show companies based on their creation date.
Help Docs
- Last Updated - show article results based on when they were last updated.
- Help Doc Sites - show only articles from certain help doc sites.
- Authors - filter based on article author.
- Statuses - show only article results for specific article statuses (published, unpublished, draft).
For more information, see: Searching for Tickets