✔️ Available on Premium and Enterprise subscriptions.

Within Teamwork Desk, you can use your own SMTP server to send emails to your Desk account. 

Getting started

You can configure the server settings by checking Send email with custom outgoing (SMTP) settings in the Email settings section for every inbox. This is configured for every individual inbox.
  • Choose one of the predefined providers to skip setting up the server details, or choose Custom to fill in your own details.
  • All system notifications, including agent notifications and password reset messages are sent from @teamworkdesk.com using Teamwork.com’s mail servers.
    📝 There is no option to send notifications with a custom SMTP server.

Common problems

Whitelisting Desk's IP address

Desk sends from a static IP in each region. We recommend whitelisting the relevant IP address depending on where your Desk site is hosted:
  • US-hosted: Whitelist (DNS assigned smtp.desk.us.teamwork.com)
  • EU-hosted: Whitelist (DNS assigned smtp.desk.eu.teamwork.com)

TLS error

Error: tls: first record does not look like a TLS handshake 
  • This is usually due to a confusion between TLS connections and the STARTTLS command.
    • Use a TLS/SSL connection connects to a server over TLS. This is usually on port 465.
    • STARTTLS connects to server without TLS initially, and then “upgrades” the connection to TLS with the STARTTLS command. This is usually on port 587 or 25.
  • Both methods are secure and acceptable. Both exist for historical technical reasons.
  • Try changing the option or the port — this usually fixes the problem.

Delivery failure notifications

Accounts using SMTP receive email notifications outlining sending issues.
  • Users whose messages fail to send will receive email notifications every hour with a link to each affected ticket (if any messages failed).
  • Site owners will receive roll-up notifications every 24 hours, summarizing any failed messages (grouped by agent) with a link to each affected ticket.
💡 You can also check ticket delivery status from the Delivery status section in Teamwork Desk.
📧 If you are still experiencing issues with replies being delivered, please contact us at support@teamwork.com.

For more information, see: Setting Up an Inbox