Within Teamwork CRM, the People area allows you to view and manage the contacts, companies and users on your site.

People added as contacts to your site are the main points of contact you will be speaking to within a company you are trying to sell to.
You can associate your contacts with their corresponding company that you have identified as potential sales targets. A contact can only be connected to one company.
For each contact, you can add name, title, company, and contact information. Custom fields can also be created to track specific information relevant to your sales process.
A company is the target you are looking to acquire business from, using the contact in the company to get the company on board.
Each company can have multiple contacts, but a contact can only be associated with one company.
For each company, you can add a name, industry, address, and country. Like with contacts, you can create custom fields for additional company information.
Users are considered to be the people using the software, e.g. members of your sales team.
Your sales representatives are able to keeping track of their activities for both their leads and opportunities each day.
Users on your site can interact with all aspects of your site, add custom fields to leads and opportunities, view reports and update pipelines.
Note: By default, all users on your site have administrator access, meaning they can view and update information in all areas such as leads, opportunities, and people.
For more information, see: Understanding Key Terms in Teamwork CRM