Within Teamwork Chat, you can star individual messages to help organize and prioritize important messages to you.  

To star a message, hover over the message and select the star icon from the message options. You can star messages in both public and private conversations.

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Once starred, your message will be highlighted in yellow. You can unstar the message in the same way by selecting the star icon again. 

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Viewing starred messages

You can access all starred messages from the Highlights tab in the navigation bar. 

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To filter by conversation or channel, select the relevant conversation from the dropdown menu. 

To go directly to a message within a conversation, hover over the message and click the Go to message arrow. 

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You can also quickly access all of the messages you have starred within the current conversation you are viewing. Select the star icon in the sidebar to the right of the conversation thread to open a side panel listing all of your starred messages.

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You will have an option to unstar an individual message in the list by selecting the star icon to the right of the message. You can also go directly to the message within the conversation using the arrow icon. 

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For more information, see: Starring Conversations and Channels