Within Teamwork Chat, you can interact with other users either in conversations or channels.
Conversations can be used for direct messages with another individual, or for brief interactions such as a discussion about where to go to for lunch.
Channels are designed to be used for regular conversation about a specific topic over an extended period of time. Once you convert a conversation into a channel (by giving it a title), you give it more importance. For example, you might create a channel for each team in your company, such as Marketing, so they have a space to discuss related issues on an ongoing basis.
Channels can also be set as designated project channels. Link a Teamwork project to a Chat channel, giving your team a single place to communicate about the project.
Both conversations and channels appear (in reverse chronological order — newest first) in the Recent tab of the left navigation panel in your Chat account.

Switch to the Unread tab to view only conversations and channels with messages you have not yet read.

You can also access any conversations and channels you have starred from the Starred section at the top of the navigation panel.