Within Teamwork Chat, you can create a
Teamwork.com task directly from a message.
Administrators, standard users, and client users from your Teamwork.com site can create tasks from messages in Chat as long as they are active users and members of the chosen project with permission to add tasks.
- Teamwork.com collaborators and Teamwork Chat guest users cannot create tasks.
Hover over the relevant message and click the three dots in the additional options menu on the right. Select Create task from the dropdown menu.

In the create task modal, you can choose
a project and task list for the task. You
can also assign the task to users on the
project, add a description, set estimated
time, and select a priority.
A link to the Chat message the task is created
from is automatically added to the task
description, along with the user, message content, and a reference to the
channel where the message was posted.

Click Create task to complete the process. You will
receive a notification to confirm task creation along with options to view the task directly in the project
or copy a link to the task.

When viewing a task in Teamwork.com that was
created from a
conversation, the default message information included in the task description will appear with the message link embedded.

Creating personal
You can also view your existing personal tasks and create new ones in
Teamwork Chat via the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + P.
This will bring up the personal
tasks modal. You can type your task name next
to the Add a personal task option in
the bottom left. Press
Enter/Return to
create your personal

You can archive or delete personal
tasks via the option menu (three dots) to the
far right of each task name.

To archive all completed tasks,
select the options menu (three dots) to the
right of the Personal tasks header, and select Archive completed tasks.

For more information, see: Creating a Project