Within Teamwork Spaces, you can use page templates to populate individual pages in your spaces.

Note: Only users with manage or edit access to a space can apply templates to a page.

Applying a template when editing a page

When you first create a page or are editing a page that currently has no content, you will see a template option below the content area.

Click Use a template to access the existing templates on your site.

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In the templates modal, you can select from your custom templates or choose a pre-defined template created by Teamwork.

Hover over the relevant template and click Use template to apply it to the page. The template contents will automatically be added to the page in the editor.

You can also use the Preview option to preview the template contents before applying.

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Click Publish to update the page once you have applied your template.

Page templates gallery

You can also apply templates directly from the Templates section of the Home area.

In either the Custom templates or Template gallery tab, hover over an existing template and click Use template.

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In both sections, you can also choose to preview the template before using it.

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When you click Use template, a pop-up modal will open where you can set a destination space for the new page. You can also edit the page name and choose whether to nest the page below another existing page in the space.

Previewing a template

The Preview option will open a pop-up previewing the contents of the template. You will also see an option to Use template at the top of this window.

For more information, see: Creating a Page Template