Within Teamwork Spaces, you can easily track any updates made to your required reading pages.
Required reading differences are only visible on pages that have been amended since the page was marked as read.
Once a change has been made to a page you have previously read, you will receive a bell notification if the editor selected the notify option. You will also receive an email notification if you have email notifications enabled.
Select the notification from the notification bell dropdown menu to be taken to the page.

At the top of the page, you will see an option to show changes. Toggle on Show changes to view all updates. Additions will be highlighted in green, while deletions will be crossed out and highlighted in red.

Email notifications
The email notification will only include contextual changes. To view the full page in Teamwork Spaces, click View Page at the bottom of the email.

Changes that will result in a notification include:
Bell notification | Email notification |
Paragraphs and general text changes | Paragraphs and general text changes |
Headings | Headings |
Tables | Tables |
Lists | Lists |
Links (internal and external) | Links (internal and external) |
Newlines | Divider |
Divider | Blockquote |
Blockquote | Code snippets |
Emojis | |
Status | |
Info panels | |
Images | |
Code snippets | |
For more information, see: Viewing Your Required Reading