Within Teamwork Spaces, you can use the page options menu to manage each individual page.

The page options menu (three dots) can be accessed from the upper right corner when viewing a page.

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Copy link

Copy the link of the current page to your clipboard. You can then share the link internally — anyone with both access to your Spaces site and permission to access the page will be able to view the page via the shared link.

Print as PDF

Open the print preview window and choose Save as PDF as the destination.


You can update the following page settings:

  • Update the name of your page
  • Nest the page under a different page
  • Advanced: Update the page slug
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Move the page to another space on your site, or to a new location in the existing space.

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Note: Pages can only be moved between spaces you have permission to edit.


Create a new copy of the page. This option also allows you to update the page details such as the page name and slug.

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Save to templates

Save the current page as a page template for your site. The template can then be used to populate new pages in your spaces.

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Version history

View previous versions of pages and see any changes that have been made between versions.

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Delete the current page and any associated subpages. Once selected, you will need to confirm the deletion.

Note: Users with read-only access to the page will only have options to follow, copy page link, and print as PDF.

For more information, see: Adding a Page