Within Teamwork Spaces, you can add a Teamwork task list to a page.
Open the page you want to add the task list to, and select Edit in the top right corner.

When viewing the page in edit mode, select the + to the right of the WYSIWYG editor bar and choose Teamwork project tasks from the dropdown menu.

A task list area will be added to the page. Once you select a project from the project dropdown, you can also select an individual task list and filter the tasks by tag.

The task list will then be added to the content area of your page.

Each task name is clickable, and will open a quick view of the task details.
Click the three dots to the right of a task and select Show subtasks to expand the parent task.

To open the subtasks view for all tasks in the list, select Expand all in the top right. Click Collapse all to hide the subtasks.
You can mark a task as complete as you would in Teamwork by selecting the checkmark to the left of the task. The completion date and user who completed the task will then be displayed to the right.

Adding new tasks
Once you have imported a task list to a page, you can add new tasks to it as you would in Teamwork. Whether you add tasks to the task list from Teamwork Spaces or Teamwork, the task list will be synced in both places.
To add a task to the task list, select the green + Add a task button.

When adding a task, you can use shortcodes to set task properties such as priority and assignee.
For more information, see: Creating Teamwork Tasks Within a Page