Within Teamwork.com, you can quickly view all tasks assigned to you in your profile.
Click your profile avatar in the bottom left of your site and select My Tasks from the the pop-out menu.

At the top of the Tasks section, you will see a subsection for your personal tasks. These tasks are not associated with any project and are private to you.
In your profile, the Tasks tab contains all of your currently active tasks while your completed tasks can be viewed in the Completed tab.
Note: Personal tasks are only visible to the user viewing their own profile. They will not be visible to any user or admin viewing your profile or using the impersonate feature.
Below your personal tasks is a list of all active tasks assigned to you.

In the top right, you can choose how your assigned tasks are sorted. Once you select a sort option from the dropdown, you can switch between ascending and descending order. This will not affect your personal tasks.

While viewing tasks via your profile, you can access many of the same editing options for individual tasks as you would in a project.
You can also use the Bulk Edit option in the top right to select multiple tasks from this view to update.

You can use the checkboxes to select specific tasks, or use the All / None links for each task list.

Click Next to choose the changes you would like to make to all of the selected tasks.

When updating the assignee and follower options, you can choose individuals, teams, and companies.
For the task changes and comment followers options, you can add to the existing followers, remove some existing followers, or use the Remove All option in the dropdown.

For more information, see: Bulk Editing Tasks at Project Level