Userback enables you to collect real time user feedback directly from your websites or web apps with screenshots and instant notifications.
Within Userback, you can push feedback to your account by creating new tasks.
Note: To collect feedback, you will need to install and log in to the Userback browser extension.
When setting up the Userback and integration, there are three options for sending feedback to
- Manually
- When send feedback manually is selected, you will need to use the Send to Teamwork option within the feedback details view to create a task in
- Automatically
- If send feedback automatically is selected, all feedback will be pushed to
- Automatically and resolve in Userback
Any feedback that has been submitted to Userback will be displayed in the Feedback area.
To view feedback details, click the feedback item title to view it. In some views, such as grid, hover over the feedback item and click View Feedback.

Once you have completed any necessary annotations, click the icon at the top of the item view in Inbox view to send the feedback to

If viewing the individual item in List, Grid, or Board view, click the Send to Teamwork button.

A task will be created for the feedback and the logo/button will become a view link to the task in

Click the link to be taken directly to the task in in a new browser tab.

For more information, see: Connecting to Userback