Within the Teamwork Beta Program, you can enable the new dashboard feature, for owner company users or for all users on your site, where you can see what is happening across your projects, and build custom dashboards based on different metrics relevant to you.

You can also quickly access all of your unread comments and messages, as well as upcoming events, projects you are a member of, your personal shortcuts, and a today view of your tasks.

Note: Customers who have signed up after December 1st 2018 will have this new Home area including Dashboards enabled on their account by default.

To enable the feature, click your profile icon in the top right of your site and select Settings from the dropdown menu. 

Note: Only owner company site administrators can access the site settings.

In the Settings area, select the Beta Program tab. Here, you will see an option for New Dashboard.

Toggle the switch on the left to enable the feature. You can also select whether to enable it for your owner company only, or for all users on your site.
Once enabled, you and your users can view the new dashboard redesign in the Home area of your site.

Each user will then see the New Dashboard listed in their integrations under their own profile where they can manage whether they want to enable or disable it for their own individual account.

You can navigate to different areas of the dashboard using the left navigation pane.

If you have tasks or milestones assigned, you will see a count of the ones that are overdue, due today, and upcoming, below the navigation menu. 


The dashboards section is a completely customizable area where you can create multiple dashboards made up of different metrics (tasks, milestones, risks etc.) based on certain projects.

Note: The dashboards section is not available to collaborators.

When building a dashboard, you can choose from the quick templates (personal, starred, everything), or the custom build option.

Once you have added a dashboard, you will see each of your selected metrics (active tasks, billed time etc.) and a projects list, both based on the items you selected in the builder.

When viewing an individual dashboard, you can return to the main dashboards menu by clicking Dashboards in the top left. 

To the top right, you can add a new dashboard, customize the dashboard you are viewing, or use the options (three dots) menu to copy or delete the current dashboard. To switch to another dashboard, click Dashboards in the top left.

Below the dashboard name, you will see a note detailing the metrics powering that individual dashboard.


In the main activity section, you will see a feed of all activity across the projects you are a member of. 

Each activity has an icon to the left representing the type of activity (adding, reacting to, editing, creating an item etc.). Detail of the activity is shown to the right of the user's name.

To the right of each activity, you will see a timestamp for when the activity occurred. Today's activities are color-coded blue, while yesterday's activities are highlighted with yellow.

The filters pane on the right of the activity area allows you to filter the kind of activity you want to view:

  • Item type
    • Choose which project items you want to include, such as tasks, milestones, messages
  • Project
  • User
  • Date
  • Options
    • Only starred projects


When you select Projects from the sidebar, a quick view pop up will appear listing all of the projects you are a member of.

At the top of the pop out window, you can search the project list, or click the filters button to show the filter options for the projects.

To open the pop up into full view, select the expand arrow at the top of the window.

In the projects section, you will see a list of all projects you are a member of.

Each project will have a View details option to the right. Clicking this will show you a timeline of activity on the project for the past 30 days.

Select Filters in the top right to open the filters pane. Here, you can filter by keyword, tags, project owner, category, project health, company, and only starred projects.


The today section gives you an overview of tasks, milestones, and events related to you, whose dates include the current day.

Your tasks will appear on the left, and can be sorted in ascending or descending order, by:

  • Start date
  • Due date
  • Date added
  • Project
  • Priority
  • Company
Any of your milestones and events that are due today will appear on the right.

You can quickly add new tasks, milestones, and events via the green add button in the top right. 

Select the Customize option to choose exactly which items will appear.

Unread Comments

All of your unread comments are easily accessed via the Unread Comments section.

To the right of each comment, you will see a timestamp of when the comment was posted, as well as a count of the number of people notified of the comment. Click the number to see the list of notified users.

Click the blue dot to the right of the comment to mark an individual comment as read.

You can react to individual comments by selecting the reactions option to the right of a comment.

Using the options (three dots) button, you can mark comments as read, reply, or copy a link to the comment.

Select Filters in the top right to open the filters pane. Here, you can customize which unread comments you see by project, date, comment type and author.

Unread Messages

In the messages section, you will see a list of all your unread messages and replies.

To the right of each message, there will be a time/date stamp of when the message was posted.

Click the blue dot to the right of the message or reply to mark it as read.

You can react to individual messages by selecting the reactions option to the right of the message, like with comments.

Using the options (three dots) button to the right, you can reply, mark as read, split the message, or copy a link to the message.

Note: You will only see the split message option if it is a reply to an existing message.

Select Filters in the top right to open the filters pane. Here, you can customize which unread messages you see by keyword, project, created date, author, and tags.


The events section gives a list view of upcoming events for users on your site.

For each event, you will see the time period the event is scheduled for, along with the event name, type, and number of people attending.

Click the options (three dots) menu to the right of an event to copy a link to it.

You can use the options menu in the top right to generate iCal feeds, or do download a PDF agenda of the events.

Select Filters in the top right to open the filters pane. Here, you can customize which events you see by keyword, project, event types, date, and user.


Each section of the Home area has its own filters pane on the right where you can customize which items to display.

  • Activity
    • Item type, project, user, date, options - only starred projects
  • Projects
    • Keyword, tags, project owner, category, project health, company, and only starred projects
  • Unread comments
    • Project, date, comment type and author
  • Unread messages
    • Keyword, project, created date, author, and tags
  • Events
    • Keyword, project, event types, date, and user
For more information, see:  Working with Dashboards