With all Teamwork.com products, your users can sign into your site by adding a SAML Application to your Google Workspace account.

Note: Teamwork.com’s SSO offering is part of the paid Advanced Security add-on which you can purchase in addition to your Teamwork.com subscription.

Creating the app

⚠️ You need superuser access to your Google Workspace in order to set up SSO.

  1. To create the IdP (Identity Provider) in Google Workspace that will be used to connect to Teamwork.com, go to your Google Workspace Admin and choose Apps > Web and Mobile apps.
  2. On the Apps page, choose Add app > Add custom SAML app.
  3. Use "Teamwork.com" for the App name and continue.
  4. Download the metadata - this is the XML file that you must include in your SSO submission request via your Teamwork.com SSO site settings. Continue.
  5. Enter the following:
    ⚠️ Don't omit trailing slashes, if specified in a URL.
    1. Name ID format: TRANSIENT
    2. Name ID: Basic Information > Primary email
  6. Add mappings for the following attributes:
    1. First name => fname
    2. LastName => lname
    3. Primary email => email
  7. Click User access and choose ON for everyone
    ⚠️ We recommend waiting for your SSO submission request to be handled by Teamwork.com — SSO will not work until then.

Once Teamwork.com has processed your SSO request and you have completed the steps outlined above, you should be all set to log in to via Google Workspace!

For more information, see: Single Sign-on (SSO) Overview