Within Teamwork.com, you can export basic information for the projects created on your site.
The information included when exported are:
- Project name
- Company name
- Category
- Owner
- Latest update
- Portfolio board
- Portfolio board column
- Description
- Start date
- End date
- Date created
- Last updated
- Project health
- Custom fields
Note: Project health and custom field data is not included in PDF exports.
The information exported is based on the project category you are currently viewing.
- If you are viewing All Projects, a list of all projects will be exported.
- If you are viewing a specific category, only the projects included in that category will be exported.
To export the list, select the Projects option from the main navigation and choose See All Projects from the side panel.

Within list view, the All Projects category will be selected by default.

Once you have selected the category you wish to export, click the options button (three dots) in the top right of the List area and hover over the Export option.

You will be given different format options for the export: PDF, HTMP, Excel, or CSV.
Once you select a format, the download will begin automatically. The final report will look like the below:

For more information, see: Reporting Options for Teamwork.com