Within Teamwork.com, the People area contains all companies, teams, users, and contacts on your site.
To view the People area, click the More option in the main navigation menu on the left of your site and select People.

Use the horizontal menu to view Companies, People, Teams, and Statuses.

Depending on your permissions, you can view, edit, and add new users, contacts, teams, and companies.
People invited as users will be able to create an account username and password to access your site.
- You will be able to interact with them on projects and project items such as tasks and messages.
- You can control what each user can see and do in each of their projects.
People can be added as different user types, depending on the level of interaction they require on projects:
- Standard users: Requiring a paid seat in your Teamwork.com subscription, these users have the potential to be granted all permissions on your site up to site administrator level.
- Client users: Do not count towards your subscription cost. They have similar project-level permissions as standard users but cannot perform administrator actions on your site. They are limited to 5 active projects and cannot be in the owner company.
- Collaborators: These user types are free and have a limited range of permissions at project and site level.
You can also add people to your site as contacts. This means that you can keep their details on record, associated to your projects, but they won't have a login for the site and they won't be able to see anything or be assigned tasks.
You can view and manage all of the people on your site via the People subsection of the People area.

At the top of the list of users, you can use the quick search box to find a particular person. You will also see a breakdown of the total number of users of each type.

The Invite Users button in the top right allows you to invite people as users to log into your site and interact with the projects you add them to.
- This is a quick way to invite multiple people at the same time, add them all to a particular set of projects, and write custom messages they will all see in their invite email.
The arrow to the right of the Invite Users button lets you add a single user or contact, and fill in all of their details at the same time.

The options button (three dots) gives you import and export options, access to the deleted users trash can, and the option to manually send user invites.

Sorting options
In the People section, you can quickly sort the list of users and contacts by first name, last name, or company. Once you select a sort option, you can switch between ascending and descending order.

You can also click the first name, last name, or company column headings to sort the list.
For more information, see: Inviting People to Your Teamwork.com Site