Within Teamwork Desk, it is possible to view the failed searches that customers have used on your Help Docs site but have not returned an answer.
Note: Reports are available on the Premium plan and above.
You can then utilize these failed searches by adding them as keywords to your articles, meaning customers will find the article the next time they use that term.
Go to the Reports area at the top of your site and select the Help Docs subsection.

Scroll to the bottom of the Help Docs reports area and select the Failed Searches tab.
Here, you will see a list of the top 25 failed searches over the selected date range. For each query, you will see the term, the site it was searched on, a count of how many times it was searched, and a comparison vs. the previous period.

When creating or editing Help Docs articles on your site, you can input any of these failed search terms you think customers are likely to keep using into the Keywords tab.

Any keywords or phrases added to the list will be matched when a customer next searches the associated Help Docs site.

For more information, see: Help Docs