Within Teamwork Desk, you can import tickets from your Freshdesk account.

To import tickets, you must first download your tickets from Freshdesk to a file, which you can then upload to Teamwork Desk.

Downloading the file

In your Freshdesk account, click the admin settings cog in the left menu pane. In the admin area, scroll to the Account Settings section and select Account.

In the account settings area, you will see an export data option in the right pane.

This will generate an email with a link for you to download the file.

In your Desk account, click your profile icon to the top right of the navigation bar and select Settings.

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In the Settings area, go to the General tab and select Import Data from the left pane.

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In the Import area, you will see an option for Freshdesk.

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To start the process, click Import Now. You will need to add: 

  • Fallback inbox - Desk will try to figure out which inbox a ticket belongs to based on where it came from in Freshdesk. If that fails, it will be added to the inbox selected.
  • Export file - select the zip file downloaded from your Freshbooks export email following the steps above.
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Once you have added these details, click the Import Files button to begin.

You will be redirected to the Import History area within the left pane once you have initiated the import.

Each time you import tickets, the import is given an ID and you will see it listed in this page.

Type: the origin of the import

Status: Pending > Started > Complete or Failed


  • Skipped: Tickets already imported 
  • Imported: Tickets that have been imported this time
  • Failed: Tickets that we were unable to import.
If the import fails, you will see an error with a retry button.

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About your imported tickets in Desk

Any tickets imported from Freshdesk will have a status of Closed.

Tags will be imported with tickets.

If a customer on an imported ticket matches an existing customer in Desk (by email address) it will be associated to them, if no existing customer is found in Desk then they will be created.

If the agent on an imported ticket matches an existing agent in Teamwork Desk (by email address), it will be assigned to them. If no existing agent can be matched, a new agent will be added with a status of Invited, meaning that you won't be charged for adding them until you choose to invite them manually.

Note: Agents and customers will only be imported if they are part of the imported tickets i.e. assigned agent and customers who sent in a ticket. Otherwise they can be imported through a CSV using the user or customer import features.

Ticket priority will be imported and mapped as:

  • Freshdesk Urgent > Teamwork Desk High (With the tag "Freshdesk Urgent")
  • Freshdesk High > Teamwork Desk High
  • Freshdesk Medium > Teamwork Desk Medium
  • Freshdesk Low > Teamwork Desk Low


Any attachments in the file will only last for 24 hours, so if you wait over 24 hours to upload your file, they will not come through and you will need to create a new export file.

Multiple imports

 If you run another import, here's how your tickets are affected:

  • Tickets from the first import, including any that have been edited or deleted (individually) will not be re-imported.
  • If you delete an inbox, tickets that were in that inbox will be re-imported.
For more information, see: Importing Tickets from Zendesk