Within Teamwork Desk you can import users via
a .CSV file. For example a list of contacts
from another email application.
To do this, select your profile icon to
the top right of the Desk navigation bar
and choose Settings from the

In the Settings area, go to the General
tab and select Import Data from the
left pane.

In the import area, you will see an
option to import customers.

Once you click Import Now,
you can upload the relevant .CSV file via
the Add Files button or by dragging and
dropping files from your computer.

You can also download a sample file to
use as a template. The sample file includes the default columns supported when importing customers. These include:
First name | Mobile | Twitter handle |
Last name | Location | LinkedIn URL |
Email | Job title | Notes |
Phone | Facebook URL | Organization |
Once your upload is
complete, you will receive a confirmation
You can also upload customers from the People
area of your Desk site.

Near the top right corner, you will see
an upload cloud icon to import

For more information, see: Import Options