Help Desk Migration Service is a data migration tool that enables you to transfer data between different help desk tools.

Within Teamwork Desk, you can use Help Desk Migration Service to import data to Teamwork Desk from a variety of third-party apps.

Import preparation - current platform

  • Timing - the duration of the migration will depend on the volume and quality of records you are looking to import to Teamwork Desk.
    • It could take up to 24 hours to complete, so it is recommended to set the migration to occur on a day with less platform-related work.
  • Clean up - it is recommended that you clean up any old data such as duplicates, invalid emails, or unassigned ticket conversations that you will not need in Teamwork Desk.
    • Note: The cost of using the Help Desk Migration Service is based on the number of records being migrated.
  • Exclusions - the entities you can import to Teamwork Desk will depend on the source platform of the migration.
    • Some record types not supported when migrating to Teamwork Desk include:
      • Organizations, groups, inline images, created at dates for tickets and comments, comment authors, CCs in tickets.
    • Customized data transfer for some of these items may be available via the HDM team. You can contact HDM to discuss options or to learn more about which data types are supported for migration between your platform and Teamwork Desk.

Import preparation - Teamwork Desk

  • Agents - in order for your data to migrate successfully, you will need to make sure you have agents created in your Teamwork Desk site to map the corresponding data from your current platform.
    • Each agent's email addresses will need to match in both platforms.
    • Any agents whose tickets you want to migrate will also need to be active agents in Teamwork Desk for the migration.
    • Note: Agents in Teamwork Desk will be sent an invitation to create a password for their account so they can log in.
  • Custom fields - if you have custom field data in your current platform that you would like to import, you will also need to create custom fields in Teamwork Desk.
    • Note: Custom fields are available on Premium Teamwork Desk subscriptions and above.
  • Notifications - it is recommended that agents in Teamwork Desk turn off their profile notifications prior to migration to avoid high volumes of alerts as the process is completed.
  • Triggers - to prevent trigger-related actions being applied to imported tickets, you might consider temporarily disabling your Teamwork Desk site's triggers both automatic and manual) until the migration is complete.
  • Supported entities - some of the common item types supported for importing into Teamwork Desk include:
    • Tickets, attachments, internal notes, custom fields, tags, customers, agents, Help Docs articles.

Demo migration 

Once you have your migration preparation completed, you can utilize HDM's free demo migration to test the Migration Wizard and see how it works.

The demo migration process usually takes around five minutes. The HDM team will transfer twenty random tickets from your current platform to Teamwork Desk. You can repeat the process as many times as needed so that you can always change the mapping settings or make any adjustments.

Go to the Migration Wizard website and create an account or log into an existing one.

Set your current platform as a source of data migration and fill out the associated credential fields such as URL, API key, login, or password. You can use the Migrate from dropdown at the top of the page to select your current tool.

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Once you have authenticated your source platform, select Teamwork Desk as your target platform.

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To authenticate, you will need to enter your Teamwork site URL and click Continue

You will be redirected to the Teamwork login launchpad where you will need to enter your Teamwork Desk login credentials before granting permission for Help Desk Migration Service to access your data.

Once authenticated, your Teamwork Desk site will show as connected in the migration setup and you can select a Teamwork Desk inbox and Help Docs site to use. Click Continue to proceed to the next step.

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The migration setup allows you to select objects in both platforms that should be included. Use the checkboxes to the left of each object to include it in your migration.

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For tickets and articles, you can further customize how the fields are mapped. Click Save mapping in the pop-up modal to return to the migration setup before clicking Continue at the bottom of the mapping step.

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A migration preview process will begin and can take a few minutes to complete.

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Once the migration demo is complete, you will be shown a list of the migrated items and the number of corresponding records.

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You will see the mapped data in your Teamwork Desk site.

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  • If your demo migration was completed successfully, you can initiate your full data migration. To do this, you will need to proceed with the payment options for the migration process before starting the migration in the Migration Wizard.
  • You will receive an email notification once the full data migration is complete.
    • Do not change anything in either platform while the full migration is running as it can impact the transfer of your data.
  • Carefully check the results of the full migration. Download the reports provided in the wizard once the process is complete.
    • Check these reports to make sure everything was carried over to the correct location.
    • If you would like to apply any changes to the full migration, contact the HDM team.
  • Once the migration is complete, you can re-enable your notifications and triggers as well as update any relevant Help Docs embedded links.
  • You can view HDM's Teamwork Desk data migration checklist here.