Within Teamwork.com, you can enable Teamwork Desk for your account.
Note: Only the site owner or site administrators can access site settings on your Teamwork.com account to manage integrations.
Click your profile avatar in the bottom left of your Teamwork.com site and select Apps & integrations from the pop-out menu.

In the Integrations area, scroll to the Teamwork Desk section and click the Enable button.

You will then be able to activate a 30-day trial of Teamwork Desk.
It is also possible to enable Teamwork Desk from your product switcher in your Teamwork.com site.
Once you have enabled Teamwork Desk, you will be given a link to the Desk account. You can then start to create inboxes, add users from Teamwork.com, and set up Help Docs sites.
Note: The user who completes the Teamwork Desk setup will be automatically added to the Teamwork Desk account as an administrator and will be able to invite other relevant users.
For more information, see: Getting Started