Within Teamwork CRM, you can use email reports to track emails sent and received in your account.
The email reports are located within the Company subsection of the Reports area.

You can switch between reports for emails sent and received via the Email subsection of the left navigation pane.

The reports will show you the number of emails sent or received per user over a selected period of time.

Click the date range field in the top right to choose a default range such as yesterday, last week, or this month. You can also choose the custom option which allows you to set specific start and end dates for your range.

Using the view options in the top right, you can switch between line graph and bar chart views.

Below the chart area, you will see a full list of users along with the total number of emails they sent or received over the selected period and how many are connected to leads or opportunities.
The first row of the table will show total counts for all users combined.

You can also export either report by clicking the download button in the top right of the relevant area and selecting Excel from the dropdown.