Within Teamwork CRM, you can compose new emails via the Mail area or while viewing an individual deal.

Note: You will first need to connect your email account to Teamwork CRM.

Mail area

Once you have your email account connected, go to the Mail area of your site.

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Click the Compose button in the left navigation pane to create a new email.

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In the email composition area, you can add recipients in the To field. As you type, any existing contact matches will appear in a dropdown.

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If you have an email signature set in your email sync settings, this will automatically appear within the reply area when you compose an email.

As you type in the reply area, your draft message will be saved automatically. This will be noted at the bottom of the editor. Content is required in at least one field of the email for a draft to save.

Note: Office365 does not allow email drafts to be saved from other applications.

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Once you have finished composing your message, click SendEmails sent from Teamwork CRM should also be visible in your connected email client.

Editor options

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Add a cc or bcc address to the email
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Delete the current draft
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Click to open the formatting menu:
  • Bold, italics underline
  • Blockquote
  • Bullet list, ordered list
  • Clear formatting
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Insert a link
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Insert an inline image
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Upload an attachment

Individual lead or opportunity

While viewing an individual lead or opportunity, click the Send email option at the top of the activity timeline to open the email composition view.

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You can use the same options available in the main Mail area such as formatting, links, images, and attachments.

At individual deal level, you can also set automatic follow ups based on when the email was sent. Select the checkbox to the left of the Create to-do to follow up option at the bottom of the message area. You can then choose when the follow up should be created.

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Default options include 1, 3, or 5 days. When you select the Custom option, you can instead select a specific date.

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When this option is set, it will create a to-do activity assigned to the user sending the email.

  • Any known contacts of the emails will be included as contacts.

  • A link to the email in the inbox will be included in the description.

For more information, see: Interacting with Emails