Within Teamwork CRM, you can connect an email account to manage emails directly from your site.

Click your profile icon in the top right of your site and select Settings from the dropdown menu.

In the settings area, select the Email sync tab from the left navigation pane and click the green Connect button.

You can also connect an account via the main Mail area of your site.

A pop-up modal will open where you will need to select your relevant email provider:
  • IMAP
  • Gmail
    📝 A Google Workspace business account is required for the Gmail sync.
  • Exchange

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Once you select a provider, you can enter your corresponding email client credentials and click Submit.

  • Note: If you have multi-factor authentication (such as two-factor authentication) enabled on your email client, you will need to create an app password in order to successfully connect it to Teamwork CRM. You can follow Microsoft's instructions for setting up a new app password here.
You can then customize your mail sync preferences. The options available will depend on your selected provider. In addition to the types of emails you choose to sync, you can also set a sync period.

Once you complete the setup, your email account will be listed in the Email sync area of your site settings.

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  • Each user can connect one email account with their Teamwork CRM account at a time.
  • The selected inbox will be private to you, but any emails connected to leads or opportunities will be visible to other users on the individual lead/opportunity page.

Email signature

Once you have an email account connected to Teamwork CRM, you will see an additional email signature option in the Email sync area.

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When you have a signature set, it will appear at the end of all replies you compose in Teamwork CRM.

If you also have a signature set in your original mail client, that signature will appear for emails sent from your mail client.

Updating your sync settings

You can access and update your sync preferences for your connected email account by clicking the three dots to the right of the account details and selecting Change sync settings.

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The sync options available to you will depend on the email provider you have selected.

Disconnecting your email account

To disconnect the current email account associated with your site, click the three dots to the right of the account details and select Disconnect email.

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You will be presented with a confirmation modal to proceed with disconnecting the account.

Note: When you disconnect your email account, it will no longer sync with Teamwork CRM. The main Mail area and email section of your site settings will be blank, with all previously synced emails removed. This includes removing any connected emails from all deal timelines.

For more information, see: Working with the Mail Area