Within Teamwork Chat, you can use markdown to format your messages.

You can preview any markdown used before sending your chat message using the preview function

Markdown is a type of code that allows you to format text using characters directly within the text. For example, an asterisk either side of a word  or phrase *like this* will be interpreted in markdown as italic text.


If you type a single asterisk before and after a piece of text, that text will display in italics once the message is sent.

*This text should appear here as italic*

Displays as:

If you type a single underscore before and after a piece of text, that text will display in italics once the message is sent.

_This text should also appear here as italic_

Displays as:


If you type two asterisks, or two underscores, before and after a piece of text, that text will display in bold once the message is sent.

**This text should appear here as bold**
__This text should also appear here as bold__

Displays as:

Combination of italics and bold

You can also combine markdown elements such as bold and italics, in the same piece of text:

_They **can** be combined also_

Displays as:


You can create a strikethrough on a piece of text by adding two tilde dashes before and after the text:

~~This can be scratched~~

Displays as:

Unordered lists

Typing an asterisk with a space before text will insert a bullet point and indenting the asterisk with a space will create a sub-bullet:

* Item 1
* Item 2
* Item 2a
* Item 2b

Displays as:

Ordered lists

Typing a number with a period and space before text will insert a numbered point and indenting the asterisk with a space will create a sub bullet:

1. Item 1
2. Item 2
* Item 2a
* Item 2b

Displays as:

Code blocks

To format text to code style, place the text between two single grave accents (back ticks).


`This is a piece of code`

Displays as:

Image Placeholder

You can also add multi-line blocks of code:


This is a

piece of code

in a block.



#memo {

border: none;

font-color: blue;



Display as:

Image Placeholder


Embedded links follow this format: [text](URL)

Displays as:


Markdown headings will be ignored. For example, if you put `#abc` at the start of a message, it will be shown as plaintext.

For more information, see: Embedding a hyperlink into a message