Within Teamwork Spaces, you can tag individual pages to easily group and manage your content. 

Note: Only users with manage or edit permissions for a page can add tags to the page. 

Adding tags

When viewing a published page, scroll to the end of the page and click Add Tag above the comments section

You can create new tags by typing a tag name and selecting a tag color. Press Enter to create the tag and apply it to your page. 

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To choose an existing tag, start typing the tag name and select the relevant tag from the dropdown of matching tag results. 

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It is also possible to create a new tag from the tags dropdown by selecting Create tag

Note: Tags require a minimum of 3 characters and cannot contain special characters. Only spaces or hyphens are supported between characters.

You can also manage tags while editing an existing page. Click the options button (three dots) in the bottom right of the page editor and select Add tags.

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Searching tags

Clicking an exiting tag associated with a page will take you directly to the advanced search area where all results for that tag will be displayed. You can also use the main search function in the top right of the navigation bar. 

Once you have entered your tag name, pages relating to the tag will be displayed in the dropdown menu. Pages with content matching the tag name will also be displayed. 

To filter your search to only tag matches, select View all results in advanced search from the bottom of the dropdown. 

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In the advanced search area, you can then remove title and content matches by unchecking the corresponding boxes. Select Search to update your results. 

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For more information, see: Managing Tags