Within the Teamwork.com Developer Portal, you can access the authentication details required to create an app, integration, or service using any of Teamwork.com's public APIs.

With this portal, you must choose at least one Product Scope if you want to allow your app to access your Teamwork.com data.

All APIs published on this portal allow you to access and update any data in your Teamwork.com account.

Developers can securely gain access to the tools they need to begin building an app or integration. This portal delivers a seamless onboarding experience, with comprehensive documentation to get you up and running in no time.

From your code to anyone, anywhere

  • Set up your publisher details
  • Create an app
  • Develop and test
  • Get verified
  • Go live

Accessing the Developer Portal

You can access the Developer Portal by extending your current Teamwork.com site URL by adding /developer.

Alternatively, go to the dedicated Teamwork.com Developer landing page and click the Login option in the top right. You can then authenticate using your associated Teamwork.com account credentials.

Image Placeholder

You will be redirected to the portal where you can set up your publisher details.

Note: Once the publisher has been entered, only administrators can update it.

Image Placeholder

Access and permissions

The Developer Portal is associated with your Teamwork.com account. This means that while developing your integration or service, your app will only have access to the data in the selected Teamwork.com account. Once verified by Teamwork.com, it will be available to everyone.

Note: To access the Teamwork.com Developer Portal, you must be a user in the owner company. Users from other companies inside your Teamwork.com account will not have access.

The Teamwork.com Developer Portal has three main user types to control permissions:

App owners - the user who initially created the app.

  • Have full permissions & access to their app and can update app details & configuration settings:
    • Update app details (name, icon, description, URL, scopes, redirect URIs, and origins)
    • Delete an app
    • Update app secret
    • Add users to the app for app management
    • Set a new app owner
    • Remove a user from an app
  • Note: Owner company site administrators in your Teamwork.com site also share these app owner permissions.

App users - must be added by the app owner to help manage an app.

  • The app action they can perform are:
    • Update app name
    • Update app description
    • Access the app details screen
  • Note: Owner company site administrators in your Teamwork.com site share these app user permissions.

All users - normal Teamwork.com users

  • All users in your Teamwork.com owner company have access to the Developer Portal.
  • Standard users can navigate to the Developer Portal and look at the live apps and apps in development.
  • All users can create apps. Once you create an app, you become an owner of that app.
  • All users can view the apps. To amend an app, you must be added as an app user.

For more information, see: Setting Up Your Publisher Details