Within the Teamwork.com Beta Program, you can enable the clock in/clock out feature to allow your users to log their hours at work.

Note: Clock in/out is available on paid Teamwork.com subscriptions.

To enable the feature and manage who can use it, click your profile icon in the bottom left of your site and select Settings from the menu. 

Note: Only owner company site administrators can access the site settings.

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In the settings area, select the Beta Program tab where you will see an option for Clock In/Out.

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Toggle the switch on the left to enable the feature. You can also select whether to enable it for your owner company only, or for all users across all companies on your site.

Note: Enabling for all users will give users (including client users) in your external companies access to the feature. Collaborators cannot use clock in/out.

Once enabled in the Beta Program, Clock In/Out will be listed as an option in each approved user's profile menu.

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Using clock in/out

When clock in/out is enabled, you and your users will see the clock in/clock out option in your profile navigation menu.

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When you are clocked in, a timer icon will be displayed beside your profile icon.

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To clock out, select your profile icon and choose Clock Out from the pop-out menu.

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Viewing your clock in entries

You can view your clock in history in the Time tab of your profile. In the logged time graph, the In Work line represents the number of hours you were clocked in for each day.

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Below the graph, you can view a log of each of your clocked time periods. You will see the times you clocked in and out, as well as the total clocked time hours for each day and week.

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If you clock in/out multiple times in a single day, a separate entry will be created for each period. Click the arrow beside the date to expand and see all the entries.

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You will see a bar representing the length of day. Each clock in period will be highlighted in blue. Hover over these to see the exact time period.

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The clock ins compare the length of day you have set in your profile localization preferences to the time period you are clocked in.

If the clock in time is greater than the length of day, you will see a red clock icon beside the time entry. Hover over this to see the amount of extra clocked in time.

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Any entries with clock in/out notes will display a note icon to the right of the date. Hovering over this will show the attached note.

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Editing a clock in entry

To edit an entry, click the three dots to the left of the time entry date.

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For days with multiple clock ins, you will need to expand the day and to edit each entry individually. Click the arrow to the right of the total time for the day and select the three dots to the left of the individual entry in the expanded view. You can also click the blue bar to open the edit modal.

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In the clocked time modal, you can update the clock-in date, start/end times, duration, and add notes.

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To quickly edit a specific clock in or clock out time, you can also click the timestamp on the relevant day.

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Deleting a clock in entry

To delete a clock in entry, select the three dots to the left and choose the delete option.

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You will then be asked to confirm you want to proceed with deleting the entry.

Viewing other users' time

To allow someone access to other users' time logs, you will need to grant them permission to manage people and companies in their profile permissions.

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Once this permission has been enabled, the user will have access to the Time tab in other users' profiles where they will be able to see the clock in history for the selected user.

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They will not be able to see individual time entries logged on projects/tasks unless they have permission to view other people's time on each project.

Note: If you do not want a user to access other individuals' Time section, you will need to remove their permission to manage people and companies.


To export your clock-in history, click the options button (three dots) in the top right of the list of clock-in entries.

Select Export to Excel from the dropdown menu.

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For more information, see: Teamwork.com Beta Program