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 Import task lists and tasks to your projects from Microsoft Excel.
  • Save time and reduce the risk of manual data entry errors.
  • Transfer large amounts of data in bulk.
  • Use sample data templates to ensure all data is accurate and structured correctly before importing. 
  • Site admins
  • Project admins
  • Standard users with the project permission
    • Add tasks (allows users to create new tasks on a project) 
  • You are moving from spreadsheets or another project management platform and need to import your existing project data.
  • You need to onboard new team members using a consistent onboarding process.
 Import task lists and tasks to your projects from Microsoft Excel.
  • Save time and reduce the risk of manual data entry errors.
  • Transfer large amounts of data in bulk.
  • Use sample data templates to ensure all data is accurate and structured correctly before importing. 
  • Site admins
  • Project admins
  • Standard users with the project permission
    • Add tasks (allows users to create new tasks on a project) 
  • You are moving from spreadsheets or another project management platform and need to import your existing project data.
  • You need to onboard new team members using a consistent onboarding process.

Before you start

  • For the Excel import to work, your file must follow the format of the sample file form. So, before you start an import, make sure the Excel file you're using matches the layout (column headings) and data formats in the sample import files.
  • Repeating tasks cannot be imported when using an Excel file.

Step 1: Prepare your data for import

Download a sample spreadsheet, then use it to:
  • Build out your required import data.
  • Cross-check an existing spreadsheet you want to import. If your import file is already prepared and follows the format requirements, jump to 'Step 2: Import tasks'.
    💡 Using Google Sheets? Download a copy and save it locally in .xls or .xlsx format.

  1. Click Jump to in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu.
  2. Search for and select the project you want to import tasks to.
  3. Select either List or Table from the project's navigation menu. 
  4. Click the vertical ellipsis (Image Placeholder) in the view's top right. 

    Image Placeholder
  5. Select Import Tasks.
  6. Select a sample file from the dropdown (based on your industry or user type).

    Image Placeholder
  7. Click Download Sample

A sample file is downloaded — you can:
  • Enter your own task lists and tasks to the sample file, then upload it to the project.
  • Use the sample file as a reference point and update an existing file to match its format before uploading that existing file to the project.

Populate the sample file

Using the column headings in the sample file as your guide (leave them as is), populate separate rows for each task list and task you want to import.

  • When populating a task, leave the task list field blank.
  • Each task should be populated directly below the task list you want the task to be created in. Ex. Create a task list in row 2, then add its tasks to rows 3 - 5. Create another task list in row 6, then add its tasks to rows 7 to 10.
Whether you’re populating a sample file or have an existing spreadsheet you want to import, the file must follow the exact column headings and the individual property formats in order for the import to run successfully.

Column heading
Purpose and required format
Enter a task list name (new or existing).
Ex. Setting a task list name in the import file to "General tasks" or "General Tasks" will match to an existing "General tasks" list.
Enter a task name.

Subtasks can be created directly below the parent task row. Enter any of the following supported characters before the subtask’s name:
  • -
  • #
  • >
Sub-subtasks can be created by multiplying the characters (ex. --, ##, or >>) before the task name.
Enter a task description. 
Assign to
Enter the assignee's email address. To assign a task to multiple people, use a comma (,) to separate the email addresses. 
📝 Email addresses must match users already existing on your site. If a selected user is not a current project member, they are added to the project during the import. 
Start date
Enter the task's start date. The date format should match the format preference in your localization settings
Due date
Enter the task's due date. The date format should match the format preference in your localization settings.
Add a priority for the task (low, medium, or high). 
Estimated time
Add estimated time to the task. Supported formats include: 25, 01:30, 1h 15m, 1h, 2 hours. 
Enter a tag name to be associated with the task. To apply multiple tags, use a comma (,) to separate the tag names. 
📝 If the tag name entered does not match an existing tag on your site, it will be created as a new site-level tag and applied to your imported tasks. 
Choose whether the task should be Active or Complete when imported.
Column heading
Purpose and required format
Enter a task list name (new or existing).
Ex. Setting a task list name in the import file to "General tasks" or "General Tasks" will match to an existing "General tasks" list.
Enter a task name.

Subtasks can be created directly below the parent task row. Enter any of the following supported characters before the subtask’s name:
  • -
  • #
  • >
Sub-subtasks can be created by multiplying the characters (ex. --, ##, or >>) before the task name.
Enter a task description. 
Assign to
Enter the assignee's email address. To assign a task to multiple people, use a comma (,) to separate the email addresses. 
📝 Email addresses must match users already existing on your site. If a selected user is not a current project member, they are added to the project during the import. 
Start date
Enter the task's start date. The date format should match the format preference in your localization settings
Due date
Enter the task's due date. The date format should match the format preference in your localization settings.
Add a priority for the task (low, medium, or high). 
Estimated time
Add estimated time to the task. Supported formats include: 25, 01:30, 1h 15m, 1h, 2 hours. 
Enter a tag name to be associated with the task. To apply multiple tags, use a comma (,) to separate the tag names. 
📝 If the tag name entered does not match an existing tag on your site, it will be created as a new site-level tag and applied to your imported tasks. 
Choose whether the task should be Active or Complete when imported.

Step 2: Import tasks

  1. Click Jump to in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu.
  2. Search for and select the project you want to import tasks to.
  3. Select either List or Table from the project navigation. 
  4. Click the vertical ellipsis () in the view's top right. 
  5. Select Import Tasks.
  6. Click Choose file

    Image Placeholder
  7. Browse and select your import file. 
    📝 Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Project are compatible file types.
  8. Click Import File.
  9. Review the import file's tasks — uncheck the box beside any tasks you do not want to import.
  10. Review the import options (and update as necessary:
    1. Import in to existing task lists if available.
      ⚠️ Task list names in the import file must match existing task list names in order to map correctly. Ex. "General tasks" or "General Tasks" will match to an existing "General tasks" list.
    2. Ignore duplicate tasks.
  11. Click Import Tasks.
Providing your import file is in a supported format, the file's task lists and tasks are imported to your chosen project. Any tasks that successfully map to existing taks lists are created in those lists. New task lists are created for remaining tasks.

Best practices

  • Field mapping: Follow the sample data requirements and carefully map the Excel columns to the corresponding fields. This ensures task information is transferred to the right place in Teamwork.com.
  • Data validation: Use consistent naming conventions to reduce errors during import and ensure data is structured correctly in Teamwork.com.
  • Test with a small amount of data: Conduct a trial run with a small amount of data. This allows you to identify any issues before importing a large amount of data.