The TaskReviewer browser extension for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge enables you to create reviews of media assets for your team to give feedback on and approve.

TaskReviewer is a third-party platform with its own independent subscription requirements.

For queries relating to this integration, please contact TaskReviewer's support team.

Within, you can create reviews for file attachments on existing tasks in your project.

Note: You will need to first install the TaskReviewer browser extension before using the integration on your site.

Go to the List area of your project and select the relevant task to open the task details view. You will see a Create Review option to the right of the Files subsection of the task details.

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When you click the Create Review button, a new Reviews section will be added below the Files section of the task details.

A default Internal Review stage will be created. You can edit the name of this stage as well as create new stages, save as template, delete the review, or close the review.

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Each review stage can be assigned reviewers, guest reviewers, and a due date.

When you click the icon in the Reviewers section, you will be able to select existing members of the project to assign to the review.

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For guest reviewers, you can grant time-limited access to external people to review files. 

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Review process

As a review creator, you can see existing reviews but cannot give feedback or approval unless you are also an assigned reviewer.

To set an existing attachment for review, drag it from the Not in Review section and drop it to the relevant review stage.

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Each assignee will see an additional option in the review stage to Open Review. This will open a pop-up window where you can approve the file, request changes, and make annotations.

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Any items assigned to you for review will be listed in your TaskReviewer browser extension.

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