Within Teamwork.com, you can react to project items such as comments, messages, files and project updates.

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When viewing comments on your site (Everything area, Comments tab of a project, etc.)  you will see a reactions option to the right of each comment.

You can also react to comments that are posted on project items such as notebooks and tasks.

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Once you select a reaction for a comment, you will see it below the text of the comment. You can remove the reaction by clicking it, or select the reactions icon to choose another reaction.


You will also see the reactions option to the right of each message and reply in the messages section of the dashboard, everything area or messages tab of a project.

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In the Files section of a project, and also Everything > Files, you will also have the option to use reactions.

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Project updates

If a project update is set on a project, you will see it displayed at the top of the project's Dashboard section.

When you hover over the update, you will see a reactions icon to the right, which you can select to choose a reaction.

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You can also select the reactions icon below the project update if there are already existing reactions present.

Viewing who reacted to a project item

If a project item has existing reactions, they will be displayed below the item. Hover over each reaction to see the associated users.

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Removing or changing a reaction

Your current reaction to a project item will be highlighted in gray. You can remove your reaction at any time by selecting this reaction.

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You can also change your existing reaction by clicking the reactions icon and choosing a different emoji. The reactions counts will automatically update to reflect your new choice.

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For more information, see: Commenting on Project Items