Within Teamwork.com, observers are granted access to a project but are not active participants.

Understanding how observers work

  • People in the owner company can see observers in the project's People area and in the Dashboard Summary's People on this project section.
    • People in external companies need the profile permission to Manage People & Companies in order to see observers listed in these areas.
  • Owner company users can select observers to be notified on project items.
  • Observers are only fully visible to people in external companies who have the profile permission to Manage People & Companies enabled. Without this permission, external company users cannot select them to be notified on project items.
  • Some exceptions which make observers partially visible to external company users without the manage people permission:
    • If an observer is added to a project team, they will then be visible to any people in external companies who can see those teams.
    • If an observer comments on an item, their name, company, and avatar will be visible to everyone who has access to the comment details and comment chain.

Note: External company users (standard, client, and collaborators) and owner company collaborators cannot be set as observers on a project. 

For more information, see: Adding Observers to a Project