Within Teamwork.com, you can grant individual users site administrator permissions on your site.
The permissions you have as a site administrator will depend on the company that you belong to.
Owner company site administrators
- People set as site administrator who are in the owner company have the highest level of permission available on the site.
- They can manage people in all companies, and view/edit any project or item in the site, even if they are not one of the project members.
- Owner company site administrators override any privacy set on items - they will still see the items (tasks, milestones, files etc.) even if they are excluded from the privacy.
External company site administrators
- People set as site administrator who are in an external company can only see projects they are members of.
- They can view/edit all people and companies in your site.
- They can add people/grant permissions on projects that they are members of.
- They cannot change the company associated with site administrators.
- They cannot move external company users to the owner company.
- External company site administrators do not override privacy - if they are excluded from an item's privacy, it won't be visible to them.
- Client users cannot be granted site administrator permissions.
Note: Standard users from the owner or external companies may be set as a project administrator for an individual project. This will only grant them project-related administrator permissions, not the permissions related to site administrators.
For more information, see: Adding Users