✔️  Available on Grow and Scale subscriptions 1
This feature is also dependent on your HubSpot subscription.

Create HubSpot workflows with Teamwork.com actions to automate business processes between the two platforms.
  • Enhance collaboration by mapping and customizing data fields between HubSpot and Teamwork.com.
  • Improve efficiency by automating repetitive tasks and workflows.
  • Streamline project management by creating and linking Teamwork.com tasks and projects in HubSpot.
  • Teamwork.com site adminsstandard users, and client users can authenticate a Teamwork.com site for use with HubSpot workflows (as long as they have access to HubSpot workflows).
    ⚠️ Each user's individual Teamwork.com permissions may limit the ability for HubSpot workflow actions to execute successfully. See the "Before you start" section on this page.
Your company uses HubSpot and Teamwork with individuals working primarily in one tool or the other. Facilitate work handoff by having a Teamwork.com task created as soon as a specific HubSpot action occurs.
  • Examples
    • Set up a workflow that creates a new task in your Teamwork.com "Marketing" project each time a deal against a competitor is closed lost. 
    • A sales team needs design work done for a client after a particular deal type is closed.
Create HubSpot workflows with Teamwork.com actions to automate business processes between the two platforms.
  • Enhance collaboration by mapping and customizing data fields between HubSpot and Teamwork.com.
  • Improve efficiency by automating repetitive tasks and workflows.
  • Streamline project management by creating and linking Teamwork.com tasks and projects in HubSpot.
  • Teamwork.com site adminsstandard users, and client users can authenticate a Teamwork.com site for use with HubSpot workflows (as long as they have access to HubSpot workflows).
    ⚠️ Each user's individual Teamwork.com permissions may limit the ability for HubSpot workflow actions to execute successfully. See the "Before you start" section on this page.
Your company uses HubSpot and Teamwork with individuals working primarily in one tool or the other. Facilitate work handoff by having a Teamwork.com task created as soon as a specific HubSpot action occurs.
  • Examples
    • Set up a workflow that creates a new task in your Teamwork.com "Marketing" project each time a deal against a competitor is closed lost. 
    • A sales team needs design work done for a client after a particular deal type is closed.

Before you start

  • Teamwork.com's app must be authenticated on HubSpot's workflow builder for Teamwork.com actions to be listed as action options.
  • Private Teamwork.com task lists cannot be selected in HubSpot's workflow builder.
  • You must be a member of a Teamwork.com project in order to create tasks in that project (via HubSpot workflows).
  • Teamwork.com permissions required for actions to execute:

    Teamwork.com permission
    Affected HubSpot action
    Add tasks 
    Project permission for standard & client users
    Create task action
    Can this user access project templates?
    Profile permission for standard users
    Display available templates with create project action
    Can this user add projects?
    Profile permission for standard users
    Create project (from template)
    Affected HubSpot action
    Add tasks 
    Project permission for standard & client users
    Add tasks action will not execute.
    Can this user access project templates?
    User profile permission *
    Add projects action will not display available templates.
    Can this user add projects?
    User profile permission *
    Add projects from template  action will not execute.

💡 Want more from HubSpot? Check out HubSpot's documentation about using connected apps in workflows.

Connect Teamwork.com to HubSpot workflows

Enable Teamwork.com for HubSpot workflows from HubSpot's workflow settings.

  1. Log in to HubSpot.
  2. Click Automation in the main navigation menu.
  3. Select Workflows.
  4. Click Create workflow and select From scratch.
  5. Select the plus icon (Image Placeholder) below the trigger section.
  6. Switch to the Connect an app tab in the slide-out panel.
  7. Search for "Teamwork" and select Teamwork.com.
  8. Click Connect in the pop-up window.
  9. Select the relevant HubSpot account and click Continue with this account.
  10. Click Install app in the Teamwork.com app page's top right.
  11. Enter your Teamwork.com account credentials in the Teamwork.com login launchpad.
  12. Select the relevant Teamwork.com account and click Choose account.
  13. Review and accept the app terms.
  14. Click Connect app.
    Image Placeholder
  15. Click Back to HubSpot to return to the workflow.

The integration is set up for your HubSpot site and you can create HubSpot workflows with Teamwork.com actions.

Create a Teamwork.com task with a HubSpot workflow

Once Teamwork.com has been authenticated for HubSpot workflows, supported Teamwork.com actions are visible in HubSpot's workflow builder.

  1. Log in to HubSpot.
  2. Click Automation in the main navigation menu.
  3. Select Workflows.
  4. Choose a workflow:
    1. Select an existing workflow from the workflows list.
    2. Create a new workflow.
  5. Click a plus icon (Image Placeholder) in the workflow. If an existing workflow has multiple steps, click the plus at the point you want the action to occur.
  6. Search for "Teamwork" in the actions slide-out panel.
  7. Select Create Task.

  8. Fill out the task's details.
    1. Required: project, task list, and task name.
    2. Optional: description, dates, assignees, estimated time, priority, tags, followers.
      📝 Task name and description fields map directly between HubSpot and Teamwork.com.
      Image Placeholder
  9. Click Save.
  10. Build out the rest of your workflow.
  11. Click Review and publish to turn the workflow on.

Each time the saved action is triggered, a new task is created in the chosen project.

Create a Teamwork.com project via a HubSpot workflow

Once Teamwork.com has been authenticated for HubSpot workflows, supported Teamwork.com actions are visible in the HubSpot workflow builder.

  1. Log in to HubSpot.
  2. Click Automation in the main navigation menu.
  3. Select Workflows.
  4. Choose a workflow:
    1. New: Click Create workflow, then choose From scratch or From template.
    2. Existing: Select a workflow from the workflows list.
  5. Click a plus icon (Image Placeholder) in the workflow. If an existing workflow has multiple steps, click the plus at the point you want the action to occur.
  6. Search for "Teamwork" in the actions slide-out panel.
  7. Select Create Project From Template.

    Image Placeholder
  8. Select a Teamwork.com custom project template from the dropdown.
    📝 New projects created via HubSpot workflows must use an existing Teamwork.com project template.
    Image Placeholder
  9. Click Save.
  10. Build out the rest of your workflow.
  11. Click Review and publish to turn the workflow on.

Each time the saved action is triggered, a new project is created in your Teamwork.com site from the selected template.

Disconnect Teamwork.com from HubSpot

  1. Log in to HubSpot.
  2. Click the marketplace icon in HubSpot's top right.
  3. Click Connected apps.

    Image Placeholder
  4. Search for "Teamwork."
  5. Click Actions on the Teamwork.com Workflows card.
  6. Select Uninstall.
1. Also available on legacy subscriptions: Premium, Enterprise.