✔  Available on Deliver, Grow, and Scale subscriptions 1

Create risks to account for anything which may affect the project's outcome.
  • Plan effectively at the start of a project, accounting for potential bottlenecks.
  • Mitigate risks by putting follow up actions in place.
  • Site admins can create and manage risks on all projects.
  • Project admins can create and manage risks on projects they're an admin on.
  • Standard users and client users with the project permission:
    • Add Risks (allows users to create and manage risks on the project)
You want to track project risk factors and document appropriate mitigation responses should one of them occur.
Create risks to account for anything which may affect the project's outcome.
  • Plan effectively at the start of a project, accounting for potential bottlenecks.
  • Mitigate risks by putting follow up actions in place.
  • Site admins can create and manage risks on all projects.
  • Project admins can create and manage risks on projects they're an admin on.
  • Standard users and client users with the project permission:
    • Add Risks (allows users to create and manage risks on the project)
You want to track project risk factors and document appropriate mitigation responses should one of them occur.

Before you start

The Risks feature needs to be turned on in the project's settings.

Create a risk

Create risks from the Risks section of a project.

  1. Click Jump to in Teamwork's main navigation menu.
  2. Search for and select a project.
     Image Placeholder
  3. Switch to the Risks view from the project's navigation bar. The Risks tab might be hidden under the More... option.
  4. Click Add Risk.
  5. Fill out the required fields:
    1. Risk Source: Set a source (aka name) for the risk.
    2. Impact Areas: Choose at least one impact area (cost, schedule, or performance) using the checkboxes.

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  6. Populate additional risk details.
    Probability of the risk source happening:
    • Low (1 - 3)
    • Medium (4 - 6)
    • High (7 - 9)
    Impact on the project if the risk source happens:
    • Low (1 - 3)
    • Medium (4 - 6)
    • High (7 - 9)
    The risk's current status:
    • Open
    • Pending
    • Closed
    Mitigation Plan
    Detailed response plan in the event the risk occurs.
    Probability of the risk source happening:
    • Low (1 - 3)
    • Medium (4 - 6)
    • High (7 - 9)
    Impact on the project if the risk source happens:
    • Low (1 - 3)
    • Medium (4 - 6)
    • High (7 - 9)
    The risk's current status:
    • Open
    • Pending
    • Closed
    Mitigation Plan
    Details of your response plan in the event the risk occurs.
  7. Click Create Risk.

The risk is added to the project's risk register.

Another option...

Risks can also be created from the site-level Everything area. You'll need to specify a project to associate with the risk.

View risks

View all risks added to a project via the project's Risks area.

  1. Click Jump to in Teamwork's main navigation menu.
  2. Search for and select a project.
  3. Switch to the Risks view from the project's navigation menu The Risks tab might be hidden under the More... option.Image Placeholder

Another option...

Want to view risks across multiple projects at once?
  1. Click ...More in Teamwork's main navigation menu.
  2. Go to the Everything section, then select the Risks tab.

Filter risks

Whether you're viewing risks in an individual project or in the Everything section, you can use filters to refine the risks shown.

  1. Go to a ProjectRisks or EverythingRisks.
  2. Select the filters button (Image Placeholder) in the view's top right.
  3. Click a filter option ( detailed in the table below) and apply the filter criteria you need to refine the data. The view updates automatically as you select each filter criteria.
    💡 Apply multiple filter options in parallel for a highly tailored report.
    Display risks matching a specific keyword search term.
    Show risks with a specific probability level.
    Show risks based on their status.
    Show risks with a specific impact level.
    Impact areas
    Show risks based on their associated impact area.
    Show risks associated with certain projects. 
    📝 This option is only available in Everything Risks.
    Display risks matching a specific keyword search term.
    Show risks with a specific probability level.
    Show risks based on their status.
    Show risks with a specific impact level.
    Impact areas
    Show risks based on their associated impact area.
    Show risks associated with certain projects.
    📝 This option is only available in EverythingRisks.
  4. Next:
    1. Clear: Click Clear filter to reset the view. The filter remains active unless you clear it.
    2. Save: Create saved filters for quick access to custom views of risks data you need.
    3. Export: Export your filtered view in one of the supported formats for easy sharing with key stakeholders.

Update a risk

Update risks from their associated project's Risks section or from the site-level EverythingRisks area.

  1. Click Jump to in Teamwork's main navigation menu. 
    1. Alternatively, click Everything and select Risks. You can then jump to step 4.
  2. Search for and select a project.
  3. Switch to the Risks view from the project's navigation menu. The Risks tab might be hidden under the More... option.
  4. Click the edit pencil on the risk's right.

    Image Placeholder
  5. Update the risk's details (source, impact, impact areas, probability, and mitigation plan).
  6. Click Update Risk Entry to save your changes.

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Copy risks

Copy all risks from one project to another.

  1. Click Jump to in Teamwork's main navigation menu.
  2. Search for and select a project.
  3. Switch to the Risks view from the project's navigation menu. The Risks tab might be hidden under the More... option.
  4. Click the ... (ellipsis) in the view's top right.
  5. Select Copy Risks.

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  6. Choose a destination project for the copied risks.
  7. Click Copy Risks.

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  8. Click OK to confirm.

Export risks

Export all risks from an individual project or multiple projects at once.

  1. Click Jump to in Teamwork's main navigation menu. Alternatively, click Everything and select Risks (you can then jump to step 4).
  2. Search for and select a project.
  3. Switch to the Risks view from the project's navigation menu. The Risks tab might be hidden under the More... option.
  4. Click the ... (ellipsis) in the view's top right.
  5. Hover over Export.

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  6. Select an export format:
    1. PDF
    2. Excel

Delete a risk

No longer require a risk? Delete it and remove it from your project.

  1. Click Jump to in Teamwork's main navigation menu. 
    1. Alternatively, click Everything and select RisksYou can then jump to step 4.
  2. Search for and select a project.
  3. Switch to the Risks view from the project's navigation menu. The Risks tab might be hidden under the More... option.
  4. Click the trash can on the risk's right.

    Image Placeholder
  5. Click OK to confirm the deletion.

Best practices

  • Customized report data: Use filters to drill down to the exact data sources you need to report on. Focus your attention on high probability, high impact risks.
  • Efficiency: Create saved filters for quick access to custom views of report data you need on a regular basis.
1. Also available on legacy subscriptions: Pro, Premium, Enterprise.