Float allows you to to plan your projects and schedule your team's time all in one place via a visual resource planner.

For any queries relating to the Float integration with Teamwork.com, please contact the Float support team.

Within Float, you can use the Teamwork.com integration to schedule your team's tasks.

The Float integration allows you to import your projects and people and get a visual representation of your team's day-to-day workload in a resource management calendar view.

Once you connect your Float account to Teamwork.com, you will see an additional icon in the top right of your site for Teamwork.com. Clicking this will open a sidebar listing all of your synced Teamwork.com tasks.

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For any tasks already assigned when synced with Float, you will see the user's avatar beside the task in the sidebar.

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When you click a scheduled task, the task details modal will open where you will have an option to View in Teamwork.

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Go to the Schedule area of your site and choose either the Projects or People view.

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With the Teamwork.com sidebar open, you can drag existing Teamwork.com tasks to designated days for users in your schedule to create new Float tasks.

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Task hours are determined based on the person's individual working hours for the day. Therefore, if you schedule a task for a day where the person is set to work for 4 hours, the task duration will also be set to 4 hours.

Tasks from Teamwork.com will remain in the sidebar and can be scheduled as many times as you want. This allows you to utilize the same task reference from Teamwork.com to populate multiple people's schedules in Float when shared work is required or to schedule the same task across a variety of days for an individual.

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You can adjust any task's duration directly on the schedule view. Click and drag the left or right edge of the task to increase or decrease the number of days it runs across. To adjust the hours duration of the task, drag the task vertically to increase or decrease.

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Tasks that have been scheduled will be indicated with a white dot in the Teamwork.com sidebar.

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You can also log time in Float using tasks from the Teamwork.com sidebar by dragging and dropping tasks onto a person's timesheet in the Log Time area.

Note: Time logged in Float will not sync back to Teamwork.com.

Task hours for time logged are based on the last hour setting used on the Log Time page. You can adjust the time after adding it to the schedule by dragging the task block.

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If you choose to import existing projects from Teamwork.com in the initial setup, you will see them listed in the Projects section in Float.

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If you choose to import existing people from Teamwork.com in the initial setup, you will see them listed in the People section in Float.

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Sync notes

  • Projects, people, and tasks created in Float are not synced to Teamwork.com.
  • Subtasks will not be imported from Teamwork.com.
  • If you change the name or assignee of a task in Teamwork.com, those changes will be reflected on the tasks in the Teamwork.com sidebar in Float. However, tasks you have already scheduled will not be updated.
  • If you edit the name of a scheduled task in Float, the task name will not be updated in the Teamwork.com sidebar or in Teamwork.com itself.
  • The project owner in Teamwork.com will be assigned as the Float project owner if that user already exists in Float with access rights.
  • Team members will be assigned to the project in Float if they have at least one task already assigned in Teamwork.com.
  • If you disconnect a project that has scheduled tasks, the project is removed from the Teamwork.com sidebar.
    • A copy of the project and its tasks will remain in Float
    • Projects without scheduled tasks will be removed completely.

For more information, see: Enabling the Float Integration