Within Teamwork.com, you can customize the information shown in the project summary.

Go to the Dashboard area of your project and select the Summary subsection.

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Click the settings cog icon in the top right to open the summary settings.

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In the settings area, you can choose:

  • Tasks & Milestones - select a person to show their items on the left of those sections
  • Time - select a person to show their hours and select a period to filter time logs.
  • Unread Items - show all unread comments/messages or only ones where you have been notified.
  • Events - choose a range for the period you'd like to include events for in the digest.
  • People - choose whether to list people on the project with observer status.
    • Note: People in external companies cannot see observers.

The summary settings can also be accessed when quickly viewing a project. Hover over a project name and press the keyboard shortcut v. A quick view will open where you can click Customize to open the summary settings.

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For more information, see: Viewing a Project Summary