✔  Available on Premium and Enterprise subscriptions

Filter reports to see the exact data you need.
  • Gain date-specific insights into tickets and team performance.
  • Compare data between periods to identify trends.
  • Drill down to the data most important to you (ex. specific inboxes, team members, or time tracking).
  • Explore Help Docs insights and how well articles in your knowledge base are performing.
  • All agents
To gain specific data-based insights related to ticketing and docs.
  • Example: Filter the Team report to your Sales inbox and the relevant agents who sit in that department, to explore first response times and ticket volumes specific to your Sales team.
  • Example: Filter the Help Docs report to an individual Help Docs site to explore failed searches specific to that knowledge base.
Filter reports to see the exact data you need.
  • Gain date-specific insights into tickets and team performance.
  • Compare data between two periods to identify trends.
  • Drill down to the data most important to you (ex. specific inboxes, team members, or time tracking).
  • Explore Help Docs insights and how well articles in your knowledge base are performing.
  • All agents
To gain specific data-based insights related to ticketing and docs.
  • Example: Filter the Team report to your Sales inbox and the relevant agents who sit in that department, to explore first response times and ticket volumes specific to your Sales team.
  • Example: Filter the Help Docs report to an individual Help Docs site to explore failed searches specific to that knowledge base.

Before you start

Applying a date range, grouping, or filters affects the data displayed in reports.

Date range and filters also affect the ticket data included in ticket exports.

Apply filters

  1. Click Reports in the main navigation menu and select an individual report tab.
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  2. Click the current date range to open the date picker.
  3. Select a date range from the dropdown.
    1. Alternatively, click a single date in the calendar or two dates to set a range.

  4. Click Update to return to the report.
  5. Click the filter icon at the top of the report.

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  6. Click into any of the filter options to select specific properties to filter by.
  7. (Optional) Select the Group by field at the top of the report and choose an option: day, week, month, or year. This will update the frequency of the data points in timeline-based graphs in the report.

Date range options

Use date range options to limit the data displayed in a report to a particular time frame.

📝 Date range can be set in Overview, Tickets, Team, Time, Help Docs, Happiness, and Exports sections.

Date range
Default periods
  • Today, yesterday
  • This month, last month
  • Last 7 days, 14 days, 12 months
  • Current week, last week
Custom period
Set a single date or choose start and end dates for a custom period. 
Compare to
Compare the current selected period to another period of the same duration.
Date range
Default periods
  • Today, yesterday
  • This month, last month
  • Last 7 days, 14 days, 12 months
  • Current week, last week
Custom period
Set a single date or choose start and end dates for a custom period. 
Compare to
Compare the current selected period to another period of the same duration.

Grouping options

Use Group by to change the display of the data in a report so it is easier to view. You can group by day, week, month, or year.

📝 The Group by option is available in Overview, Tickets, Team, Time, and Happiness reports.

When a grouping is applied, the number of points on the X (horizontal) axis of timeline graphs will change.

  • Example: Set a 3-month custom date range and group by day — graphs include data points for each day in that period. Update to group by week — graphs use the same data, but the data points are weekly, making it easier to identify upward or downward trends.
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Filter options

Any filters applied will refine report data. The filter options available differ for each report.

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The following filters are available across ticket-related reports (Overview, Activity, Tickets, Team, Time, Happiness) as well as the Exports section.

Search by subject 1
Only show tickets with current subjects matching specific text.
Only show tickets currently in the selected inboxes.

Happiness data is included for any inboxes with happiness ratings turned on.

Filtering by an inbox with active business hours returns report data for updates to tickets in that inbox within those business hours.
Only include tickets based on specific agents.
  • Archived agents are excluded by default. Use the checkbox to include their stats in the report.

How agent filters are applied depends on the report metric you are viewing.

Resolution time: Only returns tickets replied to AND solved by the selected agents.
  • Excludes tickets the agent solves that are assigned to another agent.

Average first response time: Returns tickets based on who responded first (not by assignee).

Happiness: Data reflects current assignees, not the assignee when tickets were solved or ratings were submitted.
Only include tickets currently associated with specific companies.
Only include tickets with the selected tags currently applied.
Only include tickets which had any of the selected statuses applied at any point in the selected period. Example: If a ticket moves from active to waiting on customer to solved, a count of 1 will be included for each of those statuses.
Only include tickets with any of the selected priorities currently applied.
Types 1
Only include tickets with any of the selected types currently applied.
Sources 1
Only include tickets with any of the selected sources currently applied.
After Date 2
Only return activity data that occurred after a specific date.
Custom fields
Only include tickets with any of the selected custom field values currently applied.
Search by subject 1
Only show tickets with current subjects matching specific text.
Only show tickets currently in the selected inboxes.

Happiness data is included for any inboxes with happiness ratings turned on.

Filtering by an inbox with active business hours returns report data for updates to tickets in that inbox within those business hours.
Only include tickets based on specific agents.
  • Archived agents are excluded by default. Use the checkbox to include their stats in the report.

How agent filters are applied depends on the report metric you are viewing.

Resolution time: Only returns tickets replied to AND solved by the selected agents.
  • Excludes tickets the agent solves that are assigned to another agent.
Average first response time: Returns tickets based on who responded first (not by assignee).

Happiness: Data reflects current assignees, not the assignee when tickets were solved or ratings were submitted.
Only include tickets currently associated with specific companies.
Only include tickets with the selected tags currently applied.
Only include tickets which had any of the selected statuses applied at any point in the selected period. Example: If a ticket moves from active to waiting on customer to solved, a count of 1 will be included for each of those statuses.
Only include tickets with any of the selected priorities currently applied.
Types 1
Only include tickets with any of the selected types currently applied.
Sources 1
Only include tickets with any of the selected sources currently applied.
After Date 2
Only return activity data that occurred after a specific date.
Custom fields
Only include tickets with any of the selected custom field values currently applied.
1. This filter is not available in the Activity report.
2. This filter is exclusive to the Activity report.

The Help Docs report can be refined as follows:
Help Docs sites
Run report data for all of your Help Docs sites or only select one or multiple specific sites to refine by.
Help Docs sites
Run report data for all of your Help Docs sites or only select one or multiple specific sites to refine by.

Save a filter

Have specific filter combinations you use regularly? Create saved filters so you can run custom report data in a couple of clicks.

  1. Click Reports in the main navigation menu and select a report tab.
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  2. Click the filter icon at the top of the report to open the filters panel.

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  3. Click into any of the filter options to select specific properties to apply to the report.

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  4. Click Save at the bottom of the filters panel.
  5. Enter a name for the saved filter.
  6. Add a filter description. This is optional, but can be useful for context when you have multiple saved filters.
  7. Click Save filter.

The custom filter criteria will be added to your list of Saved Filters in the filters panel.

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Use a saved filter

  1. Open a report
  2. Click the filter icon to open the filters panel.
  3. Select the Saved Filters tab.
  4. Click the name of the filter you want to apply. The report will update immediately to refine data based on the filter criteria.

Update a saved filter

  1. Open a report
  2. Click the filter icon to open the filters panel.
  3. Select the Saved Filters tab.
  4. Click the name of the filter you want to apply. The report will update immediately to refine data based on the filter criteria.
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  5. Select the Filter tab.

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  6. Change the criteria set for the filter.
  7. Next:
    1. Click Update to update the existing saved filter.
    2. Click the arrow and choose Save new to create a new saved filter.

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Manage a saved filter

  1. Open a report
  2. Click the filter icon to open the filters panel.
  3. Select the Saved Filters tab.
  4. Click the ... (ellipsis) beside one of the saved filters.

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  5. Choose the relevant option:
    1. Edit filter - update the filter name and description.
    2. Share filter - select other agents to share the saved filter with. Once shared, the agents can access it via the Saved Filters tab of that report.
    3. Delete filter - delete the filter from your saved filters.

Best practices

  • Customized report data: Use filters to drill down to the exact data sources you need to report on. Focus your attention on specific agents, inboxes, or even priority levels in ticket-based reports.
  • Efficiency: Create saved filters for quick access to custom views of report data you need on a regular basis.