You have just been invited to Teamwork Desk as an agent, so now it's time to get set up and start answering tickets!

We're here to help you get started as an agent in Teamwork Desk.

View and manage customer queries, priorities their issues, and solve problems in an efficient and productive manner.
◑  Configuring your user profile
◑  Updating your notification preferences
◑  Exploring the Home area
◑  Starring inboxes
◑  Viewing and replying to tickets

Configuring your user profile

Uploading a profile photo and filling out your personal details will personalize your profile and help your team connect with you.

Click your profile avatar in the top right of your Teamwork Desk account and select View Profile from the dropdown menu.

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Click the Edit Profile button in the top right of your profile area to update your personal details.

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Your profile details are grouped into three subsections: general, details, and preferences.

In the General section, you can update your profile photo as well as your first name, last name, and email address.

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The Details section includes your job title, contact phone numbers, and time zone.

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In the Preferences section, you will also be able to specify your time format preference, turn on two-factor authentication, enable web and push notifications, choose between HTML and Markdown formatting, and change your password.

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Why not give it a try and upload a profile photo to make yourself recognizable to your team?

Customizing your notification preferences

Next, let's take a look at your notification preferences so that you can receive updates for the items most relevant to you.

Select the Notifications tab at the top of your profile.

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At the top of the Notifications area, you can choose whether to apply the same preference across all of your inboxes, or set them individually per inbox.

For each individual notification option, you can receive alerts via email and/or mobile. Check the relevant box to the right of each notification type to enable the alerts.

Exploring the Home area

Now that you've got your profile set up, let's explore the Home area. The Home area is the default landing page for your site and can provide you with a quick overview of what's happening across your tickets and inboxes, and is broken down into three subsections.

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The Summary tab gives you a big-picture breakdown of your starred inboxes, tickets assigned to you, and the inboxes you have access to.

An additional Training Wheels panel will be displayed if the feature is enabled on your site, and you are currently in training or have permission to review tickets.

  • As an agent in training, you would only see figures related to your own tickets under review.
  • As a reviewer, you would see a count of all tickets under review across the inboxes you have access to.
If happiness ratings are enabled for your site, you will also see an overall company happiness chart in the Summary tab. This can be set to the last 7 days, 14 days, or month.

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From here, you can also view the inboxes you have access to. Each number is clickable and will bring you directly to that section of the associated inbox.

The Activity tab shows all activity across your site, including ticket views, status changes, replies and more.

In the Insights section, you'll get an overview of relevant information regarding tickets and your agents.

The volume and average response time is an interactive, visual representation of the amount of tickets, replies, and response time in a given time frame. Check out more on Teamwork Desk metrics by reading our help doc article here.

Starring inboxes

In Teamwork Desk, you can star your most important inboxes to add them to a unified section of your Tickets area. This helps improve efficiency, allowing you to manage and reply to tickets from multiple inboxes through a single view rather than jumping between inboxes when new tickets arrive.

Inboxes can be starred either from the Home area or via the Inboxes section of your profile. Simply click the star icon to the left of each relevant inbox to add or remove it from your Starred Inboxes view.

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To access the unified Starred Inboxes view, go to the Tickets area of your site.

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In the left sidebar, click Tickets to expand the list of individual inboxes you have access to. At the top of this list, you will see an option for Starred Inboxes. Similarly to individual inboxes, this view is broken down by ticket status.

Viewing and replying to tickets

Having explored the Home area and your starred inbox, let's get to work on the core aspect of your workflow - tickets!

Every inbox you have access to, along with its associated tickets, can be accessed through the site-level Tickets area.

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The Inboxes section of the navigation pane on the left is grouped by inbox. At the top of the list, you will see your Starred Inboxes view (as described earlier) followed by a My Tickets section which holds tickets specifically assigned to you across all inboxes.

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Below these two sections will be entries for each individual inbox you have access to. Every inbox view is broken down by ticket status, allowing you to quickly oversee specific tickets such as new unactioned tickets, ones waiting on a reply from the customer, etc. 

The New section of each inbox contains any new or unassigned active tickets in need of a reply from an agent. By focusing on the New subsection of the Starred Inboxes view, you can view and manage tickets in need of attention in a single location.

Workflow efficiency is enhanced by Teamwork Desk's inbuilt collision detection feature, meaning you can see at a glance where others are working and which tickets still need attention. When you are viewing a list of tickets in a particular inbox, any ticket that is currently being viewed by another agent will show their profile picture beside the customer name. If an agent is replying to the ticket, you will also see a pencil icon.

Clicking an individual ticket in the list will open the associated ticket thread and an editor to send replies to the customer. Just click into the text area of the reply tab to expand the editor options.

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Let's look at the different editor options available to you:

WYSIWYG Editor Options
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View source - view/edit the source code for the reply.
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Undo | Redo
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Text style
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Bold | Italic | Underline | Strikethrough
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Clear formatting
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Left align | Center align | Right align
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Unorderd/bulleted list | Ordered/Numbered list
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Outdent | Indent
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Insert horizontal rule
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Insert/edit link | Remove link
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Upload image
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Insert canned response
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Insert Table
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Upload File
Text Direction l Left/Right

At the top of the ticket view, you can access some quick action items to change properties of the ticket. Why not assign the ticket to yourself so your team knows you are working on it?

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When you are ready to send your reply to your customer, you can choose the status you want your ticket to be in such as waiting on customer, and also change the assignee if you wish. These property updates will take effect once you click Send Message.

The Send Message button has an arrow to the right where you can customize the navigation behavior for once you send the message. You can choose:

  • Send and back to folder - returns you to the ticket list you opened the ticket from.
  • Send and next active - automatically open the next active ticket in the inbox.
  • Send and stay on page - remain in the current ticket after sending your reply.

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Now that you have completed the introduction to Teamwork Desk for agents, you can easily take the following actions on your site:
Configuring your user profile
✓  Upload a profile photo
✓  Customize your profile preferences
Updating your notification preferences
✓  Access your notification settings in your profile
✓  Adjust your notification preferences for email and mobile
Exploring the Home area
✓  Access the subsections of the Home area
✓  View and manage your starred inboxes
Starring inboxes
✓  Customize which inboxes are displayed in your Starred Inboxes view
✓  Access the Starred Inboxes section of the Tickets area
Viewing and replying to tickets
✓  Open a specific inbox in the site-level Tickets area
✓  Open an individual ticket and explore the editor and ticket options
✓  Reply to a ticket and customize the send message setting